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Everything posted by Mikie_T

  1. OUCH.... #9 has been heavily used. Sure does have a slag look. Yep, I sure would like to see more views of #7..... That one looks like a fun swirl. Mike
  2. Yes..... looks like black base glass but..... is it clear? WOW.... I like the look of the inside glass with the bubbles. VERY nice marble! Imperial you say (or guess)...... interesting. Mike
  3. I just got a group of Champions that have a similar color but still, not quite.... I think the ones I got have a tighter flame pattern. But, then again, I am still learning. Mike
  4. I love that swirl action.... Nice colors too. Those are winners! Mike
  5. WOW... those are some real beauties. 2 thumbs up!
  6. Well, I wanted to show a picture of one of my "naked" marbles.... BUT.... all of mine are fully clothed. No nudity in my collection. Mike
  7. Good luck...... since Tennessee is more heavily populated than Mississippi then you have a chance to find a "marble friend". I would like to find someone close to me that collects but in some ways I like not having any "experts" close to me. I am the "expert"....LOL so I can spout any information I want and grade a marble any way I want before buying. (Truth be told..... I would rather have a marble friend close by to trade with and learn from). Good thing this wonderful web site exists and has some good friendly people. Almost as good as having a marble friend across town. Mike
  8. Hmmmmmm...... i notice that no one wants to pin a definite label on #8. That's OK, WV swirl is a good label. BUT, I must say, that one is my favorite. I like the "snake" action of the colored glass. How in the world do they make a marble like that? Surely not just by letting molten glass run out of the bottom of a furnace onto a set of rollers....... Was this marble a "happy accident" as Bob Ross would say? Mike
  9. Nice marbles! Swirls really get my blood going! Mike
  10. Thanks Steph...... Thinking about it a little more, that does make sense. At first, I was thinking "water clear" glass that "exposed" the inner glass VERY well.... My marble education continues. (LOL) Mike
  11. That is a really nice marble for sure..... I think I am a bit confused about the "nudity" part but still.... a beauty of a marble. The inner strings of glass are really interesting..... Mike
  12. Mikie_T

    My 2nd few

    That guy has almost as many as I do....... (NOT). That is marble overload! Not that I don't want that many..... don't get me wrong. Mike
  13. WOW That superman is too COOL.!!!!!
  14. I agree Steph..... OVERWHELMING! ........ WOW, those are some real beauties. I got to go find me some of those!! Mike
  15. MAN... that dirty old bag had some nice marbles on the inside! GREAT find! Yes, what did the rest look like? Mike
  16. 10-4... thanks for clearing that up for me Steph. I guess I did have that in my mind because of my exposure to the named marbles from Vacor. I like the "stormy sea" name.... very fitting name for your marble Craig. Mike
  17. Hi Pam.... Welcome! I'm in about the same boat as you. I have collected marbles for years but only because I liked what I saw. I decided long ago if I like what I see (mostly swirls..LOL) then I collect it. Lately, I have tried to identify some of my marbles and the knowledgeable people here have been GREAT to help me out with that. Take some good pictures with good light and be sure to include 4 of 5 views as you turn your marble. This helps everyone see the seams, colors and patterns. I look forward to seeing your marbles..... looking at these little glass works of art is so much fun! Mike
  18. Oh yes! Very nice marbles. OK, here is my inexperience talking..... Were these names actually given to the marble groups at the time of manufacture? Mike
  19. EXPLOSION........ LOL. WOW.... those are some amazing marbles.... Theory.... maybe water while the glass was hot.
  20. Very nice marble! Wish one would sneak into a batch I buy..... LOL.
  21. Beauties!! Yummy, keep 'em coming! Mike
  22. OK, one other comment here.... This could very well be the reason there is such a mix of marbles here in the south. Being poor in the 30's, 40's and 50's, the south probably saw more bags of marbles from the Marble King company than "brand specific" packages. I do realize that "playing for keeps" would mix marble brands. I personally don't remember seeing much in the way of packages on the shelves EXCEPT for net bags and cellophane bags like the Marble King bag shown above. NOW, THIS IS JUST A THEORY so don't hit me too hard..... LOL. I do know that no matter how many batches of marbles I have been privy to "getting first look" at have been mixes of all makers. Just a theory now...... just my theory.......LOL.
  23. Thanks so much for that history lesson! I am learning SO MUCH from posts like this. 2 THUMBS UP!! Mike P.S. up until now, I thought Berry Pink was a glass color for marbles.........
  24. Under-water pics.... Great idea. I bet that will clear up a lot of the bad surface issues. Mike
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