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Everything posted by Mikie_T

  1. YEP... You are right. Maybe I should tell them to keep the jar. I already have a couple of jar that look like that.
  2. Yep, they are putting the marbles in the jar and are sending it all. LOL.....
  3. Hmmm.... yep, I was wondering if there could be an oxblood or 2 in there... We shall see......
  4. Thanks for those comments Steph. I always have to hope there is a treasure in my buys... (LOL). When I get those in my hands I will post some better pics. Still, I like the way some of those swirls look so that is what makes me happy. Not real old or rare but still fun. That is what it is all about for me. Mike
  5. Ahhhhhhhh..... what a BEAUTIFUL sky! (Light pole isn't too bad... pretty nice too...)
  6. I am speechless.... Those Alleys take my breath away! More.... more.....more....!!
  7. I don't have these in hand yet so I am a slave to the sellers pics. I couldn't find that marble you are speaking of in another picture. BUT, some of the ones I found interesting are the ones I marked with arrows. So, Steph, these larger ones (like the one I have marked with the yellow arrow) are Jabos? The one in the second pic with the black arrow looks like it has an amber base glass. Any idea of the maker? Mike Now that I get a better look at that one... I looks like it has a chip out of it.....
  8. I had to have a marble fix so I found a small bunch I thought might be interesting. I do see one German swirl in the second bunch. There is a couple in the bunch that looked interesting.... see any more? Mike
  9. Hello and welcome Elle... show us some of your marbles!
  10. Very NICE marble! Love those colors!
  11. WOW... I'd just give the cats to my grandson. NICE find!
  12. WOW.... I LOVE these Oxbloods! Ahhhhh.... BEAUTIFUL...!!!!!
  13. OK.... Here is a pic of me from a couple of years ago..... That's me on the right standing by my Grandmother... (My cousin and I are about to go play marbles......)
  14. Thanks! I guess I need to look up Alabaster to what the rock looks like. Every time I think about this one, I take it out and look at it. There is so much to see in it. (There looks like there might be a little red in the second pic).....LOL Mike
  15. Well, it's round but it is a rock (I think)...... The lady at the antique store said this is alabaster. Sure is cool with all the layers.... I like it.
  16. If the Road Runner can run into it but the coyote runs into a wall, then it is a tunnel.
  17. Hmmmmm...... miniature dinosaur eggs. The look more like petrified jelly beans.
  18. I can do the roller coasters because it's like I am driving...(LOL). It's the spinning things that get to me. LOL.... I do like to stand outside the spinning rides and watch other people get sick...
  19. SWEET bunch of mibs. The ones at 12:00 and 3:00 are my favs of the bunch. NICE!!
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