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Everything posted by Mikie_T

  1. Yep, I thought the same thing......
  2. $144 per marble.... Why? I guess I am missing something........
  3. well...... now my keyboard is all wet from drool.... Those are REAL BEAUTIES!!
  4. Beauties!! Steph, you are encouraging her.... better watch it! (LOL)
  5. WOW... now that is a bikini at the beach if I have ever saw one....
  6. WOW.... that is some really good insight into the Jabo company. How did the 99% pure silver work out? What runs contained silver or gold? Sounds very interesting!!!
  7. LOL... well, that is a pretty good explanation from where I sit. Thanks Steph. Mike
  8. Very nice! Well, here we go, par for the course if I am involved..... I think I know what aventurine is.. (maybe)..... but what is "lutz"..?? Is aventurine "caused" while making green glass? Seems those go hand-in-hand. Mike... (aka, confused as usual)
  9. Yep, this does make me feel better.....LOL. (still... I want my Ox.... sniff, sniff)
  10. Those red and yellow ones really turn my crank! I LOVE that color combo!! That is a nice group of marbles. Non-swirl people have a screw loose.... you have to over look them.....LOL. (I am a swirl nut!!) Mike
  11. Uh.... when a plumber bends over to work under your sink?
  12. This is one that I got from the same seller I have been getting the Jabos and Dave McCullough marbles from lately. She listed it as not sure but thought Jabo. Anyway.... does this look like a particular Jabo run to y'all? I know one thing for sure.... I LIKE those colors!! Mike
  13. I found a couple of DAS marbles I just had to have this morning. I love the colors and the swirls. The Harvest Moon.....
  14. SWEET marble! (Inadvertent creativity) is this another term for "happy accident" as Bob Ross would say?
  15. Hello all, I just purchased a marble that the seller called a "Jabo Gold Lutz Explosion". Is that what this is? And does anyone here have one like it? Not sure if this is the true name for this marble.... but I LIKE it!! Mike
  16. Hey hey..... The seller that sold me the tooth brush cup said she also had a small child's plate from a tea set. She sent me pics and now it is on the way too. MORE oxblood! Mike...
  17. Thanks for the sentiment everyone. I sure hope none of you get robbed like this. I am making arrangements for my packages to be shipped to my office so this (Hopefully) won't happen again. I have lived in a small town environment all my life. I guess I just never figured something like this would happen. BUT, shootings and robberies are getting more prevalent now, SO...... everyone be aware! Mike
  18. My wife thinks I am crazy but I don't lock my Jeep doors. SO, I make sure I don't leave something inside that is valuable. If somebody sees something on my seat they want, they can just open the door and get it. I HATE having to replace a window (been there.... done that) just because a thug saw a $5 bill on my seat. OR an envelope that the THINKS contains a $5. Around here.... thug-ism has no bounds.
  19. Definitely a gut punch... The way the thieves were throwing out the "non-valuable" mail along the road side makes me think this little guy is probably lying in a ditch in the tall grass shivering from all the cold weather we have had lately. Well, maybe a future road worker will find it and take it home to his little girl. Then she can love it.
  20. Dang.... where you finding all these nice marbles?
  21. Mmmmmmm.... love those flames!!
  22. Well, a bunch of low-life bottom dwellers were stealing packages AND Christmas cards from the mail boxes around here. SO... naturally.... I became a victim of their greedy and lawless practice. My marble was stolen....... and I sure was looking forward to adding this one to my collection too. I guess it can be memorialized here. I just know almost for certain they did the same thing with my marble that they did with the reject mail.......... pitched it on the side of the road. I sure did count this chicken as an addition to my collection before it even hatched..... well..... onward. Mike
  23. Couldn't stand it.... had to go buy it.... here is the (tooth brush ??) cup with the oxblood.... Not as eye catching as some of the ash trays but still..... I like it!! Mike
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