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Everything posted by Mikie_T

  1. That ash tray is AWESOME!! (Marbles aren't too bad either......LOL) I found a cup yesterday I think I am going to have to buy...... mike
  2. I like Champs...... one of mine......
  3. I ain't far from ya. I'm in Miss'sippi..... Welcome..... show us some glass. Mikie
  4. Broken?...... where? 'tain't bad as far as I can see.
  5. Happy New Year!! (I love that postcard..... another of my many vices..... postcards) Mike
  6. I love those FIRES you set (up above) you fire bug!! Those are some real sweethearts!! Mike
  7. WOW.... that is a LOT of oxblood in one pile.... VERY nice!!
  8. And here is my Christmas wish to all..... May I get what I want Not what I deserve May the coming year not throw a single curve May I hurt nobody May I tell no lies If I can't go on give me strength to try May the one you love Be the one you get May you get some place you haven't been to yet And may your friends surround you Never do you wrong May your eyes be clear And may your heart be strong May the times to come Be the best we've had May peace rule the world May it make us glad When you see something wrong Try and make it right Pull your shadowed world Into the bright sunlight Ring the old year out Ring the new year in Bring us all good luck Let the good guys win These are the words to a really fitting Celtic song I love to listen to this time of year. I hope it gives you all a blessing........
  9. LOL.... I can sympathize.... I hope this trend doesn't continue but it really seems like there is a rash of sellers out there interested in only ONE THING. Putting YOUR money in THEIR pocket. At least you KNOW what YOU are seeing.
  10. I just ordered this Jabo and was wondering if this guy has a name? (Joker?) Anyway, I saw it and had to have it. (Is that Oxblood I see?) Thanks for lookin' y'all. Mike
  11. My son has my bead collection now. But there are some beautiful and rare colors of antique glass beads out there. Then, there are some very historic beads, like these Lewis and Clark beads. Made especially for their trip while searching for the northwest passage. Or how about some Chevron beads....... Oh well..........Onward!! Mike
  12. Well, in that case (LOL) ..... You just need to TOTALLY forget that antique Venetian GLASS BEADS exist. And YES, they have a beauty all their own. I would hate to even think these were a fore runner of marbles........ They were made by wrapping layers of hot colored glass to make a long cane and then the beads were formed by cutting off small pieces of that cane. (sound familiar) Have a look at these feather beads....... Oh, and glass beads come in all sorts of colors and designs..... Do you see another collecting avenue here?... (LOL) Mike (aka... the devil on your shoulder)
  13. WOW.... what a nice collection of ash trays! Now who would want to flick ashes onto something that beautiful! Veeeeerrrrrrrryyy NICE!!
  14. More please.... More please......
  15. Well, back to our usual cold rain. Yuck... such is the weather in Meridian, MS.
  16. Let's see here..... It's right about 2 3/8". My caliper jaws won't touch the outside faces so I am guessing. On my desk at work there is never a pile of paper to hold down so I just have it sitting under my monitor. Nice to look at occasionally.... LOL.... Exactly Steph.... Must..... have.... glass.....
  17. I found this nice piece of glass and had to have it. I haven't found any marbles that turned my crank lately so I had to have this "big 'un".... I thought it was sort of ugly at first but the more I looked at it, the better I liked it. There is a bunch of really thin pieces of glass running though this joker. Anyway.... it's somethin' new to look at. Thanks for looking ..... Mike
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