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Everything posted by Fire1981

  1. Cairo first…Heaton second🔥 RAR
  2. Nice Alley with that nice little wisp of blue in the thin ribbon 🔥 RAR
  3. BJR is kind of neck and neck right now with AGB. I prefer tuna salad sandwiches. My cat always loves a can of tuna in water. Turns its nose up if it’s in oil. What’s up with that 🔥 RAR🤪
  4. You’re kill’n me here. All that and don’t forget the PELTHEAD that’s attached to my ID.🔥 RAR My 6th generation name was suppose to be Benjamin Jackson Robbins. We didn’t have Ancestry.com back then.
  5. Could you start posting backlit pics? Those will be the telling tale. By the way I Art. I have one of the King's marbles.🔥 RAR/AGB
  6. I blew that one on AAM. My question there was how many different colors does this marble have? I'm seeing 6-8🔥 RAR
  7. No. Not the right color combos. Possibly a Tri-Lite🔥 RAR
  8. I’m guessing Whisplers🔥 RAR
  9. Boo Yah !!! Oh Yes, it is, and this ribbon pattern sets it apart from common Sunsets. The ribbons are condescended into one ribbon that contains 2-3 colors. Common Rainbos have ribbons that are each one separate color and aren't as tight as these. The little Horse Hair ribbon really sets this one apart. As a PeltHead. This is a Top Shelf Rainbo with lots of Tiny Bubbles.🔥
  10. Most off the base glass is the same. The single ribbons are getting flushed out on the same base glass as well🔥 RAR
  11. Best example is the Wacked Out Christmas Tree in pic 3. I think these are last ones. Flush out everything and on to Rainbos. The colors look like washed water paint.🔥 RAR
  12. There are examples in my group pics where you can see 3 ribbons on one side of the seam and 2 on the other side. I have no idea if these where the first Tweeners or the last ones🔥 RAR
  13. I think so. Any ideas🔥 RAR
  14. I’ve seen a few posts where the ID was an established Tweener. Here are some dug examples of Tweeners. The Color Combo doesn’t vary much in these. If anyone has Tweeners with different color combos then mine? Can you post some pics🔥 RAR
  15. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🔥 RAR
  16. WOW ! I have an Alley with an ID attached to it. Thanks Cheese🔥 RAR
  17. Fire1981


    Her ! Scream Bloody Murder. Her and Ruby Sound Off when one of the girls are laying an egg 🔥 RAR
  18. Thanks everyone for the ID feedback🔥 RAR
  19. No you’re not but your green completion is somewhat concerning 🔥 RAR🤪🤣🤪
  20. It’s Freddie’s favorite 🔥 RAR
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