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Mr Meteorite

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Everything posted by Mr Meteorite

  1. Sorry about the crappy pics but hard to get a good one under blacklight It's very bright yellow, very hard to see here, this pic does it no justice
  2. Another view, notice the yellowish streak at the surface, that glows yellow under blacklight
  3. A nice multi colored vitro cat I got in an unopened package of 30 the other day, I had to open it for this beauty.
  4. I never seen one of these until I found these 2.since then I have seen 2 others, same color same size and same look
  5. You can't really tell good from these photos , but the one in first 3 pics have a very light colored ribbon on each side like a typical rainbo. It's hard to tell for sure, but it looks to be a yellowish/white or a sorr of greenish/yellow on both sides.
  6. The above photos are of my find from first dig. Below from second dig.
  7. I found these 2 while digging the Peltier factory in ottawa, Illinois. When I found them I figured they were something other than a mib. However I have read and been told that Peltier did make 5/16" marbles. Then in the past week I've seen 2 of these in 2 different lots. These seem quite small, were these used playing marbles? I'm guessing these are pretty common and have veritable monetary value, however it has value to me, being that I found one each day I dug at the old Peltier factory. Did they make many different marbles in this small size? If so, does anyone have any pics of different 5/16 pelts?
  8. Just wondering if this bag is worth $5 and a 30 min drive. Just think it's cool to have an original package, even if the marbles are very low value.
  9. I'll have to take more pics these are the only 2 that would fit, the others are too big, I'll get more and better pics
  10. I'm sorry, I see them, I figure if I did it this way everyone could see them, I've don't it like this before, they are just a little too big to attach here.
  11. I'm pretty sure this is an oxblood cullet, small but awesome imo. There is what I believe to be a really small amount of red glass on the top of this, it is different material than the rest of it. I found this while digging the Peltier factory in ottawa, Illinois. Do you guys think it's Peltier oxblood?
  12. That was the only one that looked like anything, Ima pass, ID take it at $5 but that it. Maybe next time lol
  13. What's up with that white? Is it actually part of the marble or is it "dirty"?
  14. Hey everyone. Was looking at some pics of a jar that I can buy for $22. Nothing was jumping out at me, mostly cats eyes, but I seen the backside of this one, I seen the 2 colored base (white/"silver"). The "red" doesn't really look like oxblood in this pic but I'm hoping that it's just the pic quality and the pic being taken thru a glass jar. The only way I'm going to buy the jar is if there's a good chance of it being an Akro silver oxblood because most the rest are cats eyes.
  15. The group in the first pic are finds from pelt factory dig. They are all either broken or melted and all halves or bigger. The big one is very UV reactive, so are the yellow and the red one. The second pic is just one of my favorite pelts, I am not completely sure but I think it's got Oxblood on top of one of the red ribbons, I have three other paired mibs just like it, but this one has a different "red", when held up to the light, it's opaque unlike the "red" in the others that is definitely not opaque, and this is much darker and has blackish streaks in it. Either way, it's in my top 5 favorite pelts of my personal marble collection, just for the aesthetics alone (which is usually the reason lol)
  16. Kinda reminds me of hunting meteorites, just much much much less walking lol, finds not worth as much as a meteorite finds, but no less fun.
  17. I found these two digging at the old Peltier factory. They are 5/16". I figured they were made for something else, but read, in this thread and elsewhere they made 5/16" marbles. Wether or not it's considered a marble, I think they are pretty cool, and from Peltier is a bonus.
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