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Mr Meteorite

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Everything posted by Mr Meteorite

  1. Just a few of my nicer pelts, all 5/8"
  2. Once again you've been a big help Ron, thanks
  3. I'm pretty sure this is a hybrid blackie but kinda think it could be a hybrid tigers eye. The light blue patch has quite a bit of white and a purple streak. Doesn't the two different colored patches make it a hybrid? Or am I way off........again lol Thanks for looking, Joe K
  4. I found this one digging at the Peltier factory in ottawa illinois. Did they sell mibs like this or is it like a rootbeer float with out the vein inside? Maybe supposed to be scrap? It looks just like it's made of amber.
  5. Did Peltier sell clear mibs like this or is it a mistake or something else? I found it while digging at the Peltier factory in ottawa illinois. Along with this I found a couple others I've never seen, like a dark maroon peewee and 2 really small cloudy green 5/16" ?marble?
  6. It's definitely older than 70's the guy it came from said he never bought any after very early 60's is how he put it.
  7. Is this beauty a pelt or vitro? I am thinking Peltier, maybe a sunset, or something similar.
  8. 5/8" I think it's a vitro but not sure. If so what category does it fall into, does it have a name?
  9. The red ones look like one I found digging at the Peltier factory, the one I found is just under 1/2" if those are the same size they might be from Peltier also Here is the one I found, well my girlfriend found to be honest, it still has the dirt on it.
  10. 5/16" this is the first of 2 of these I found. Not sure the considered a marble but I heard they made them as small as 1/4" so it might be a marble.
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