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  1. Have you seen how things have change on the internet? I may be wrong, but Alan's beautiful works now are a handful of collective pictures, another that I use to like has modified so that it just looks scary, another looks like a money pit, and so on. Also, I see there are many places where they aren't complete even though people have been using the marbles for a long time, or they use new names for old ones without telling us why. It's hard enough to learn about our marbles without having these changes to contend with. What do you say, am I right or just blowing smoke?.....Bonniemarbles
  2. thank you all for your help......lol
  3. I have these marbles that really don't look like Akro to me but they were too nice to pass up. Any suggestions, am I just not knowledge enough? They are really pretty.
  4. Heaton's sweet potato- there's also a green potato and a black potato- cool, all of them.
  5. i have several marbles that could be from several co. The top one could be a sunset, or just a nice marble There are either Alleys or look a-likes. And the center one should have a stronger green than the picture shows, but it still has a dragon look...... talk to me please....
  6. You see right, the middle one has a streak of lavender and the one on the bott has a wide band of brown ...
  7. These marbles are very similar but the littlest one has a clear base, while the rest are cobalt blue, and one has brighter blue than the others. I'll welcome any suggestions....thanks
  8. I'm trying again----these are swirls that I hope are Heatons, but help me if I' m wrong....
  9. I sent one set of marbles to be helped with, then typed up another, and somehow the first one doesn't show up and the second one hasn't got my pictures---help!!!!
  10. Help please, I think these are Heaton but can't really tell, the one thing they have in common is a blue glass base
  11. It's taken me awhile, my cat walked across my computer, and everything is scrambled, but I think I have you back lets see---I've put in two marble sets, one simple swirl, the other complicated, both could be all or mostly Heations
  12. I purchased some from a dig and some from Ebay. I'm quite careful and don't buy those large bunches even if I might be giving up something nice cause I don't want a lot of low qualities. If I knew some reliable people id go that route, but they are too far flung and covid even made it worse. So here I am, recovering from a stroke, 79 years old, thinking the world is in bad shape right now, and having a ball with marbles. so while I have you here, here are some more I'm stewing over---☺️
  13. Here's tough ones for me, but I hope all are Heaton'
  14. I'm hoping to get these these as all Heaton, but if the brown based two are the only Heatons for sure all be O.K.
  15. While I was blanked out, the Computer Imp scrambled so many things that I had to rewind, that it took me forever it get it back to here. Glad to be back😄! ! Next question now, any names you can give these will be much appreciated........Thanks
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