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Posts posted by bonniemarbles

  1.  Looking at the seams on the bottom 3, what I've read made me also conclude they could be Vitro or Marble King. I've felt the seams & none of them have a crimp or ridge that I can feel as the book says is a distinguishing feature of Vitro marbles---but the amount of bands throw me off.  Are they possibly newer MK marbles?? No matter what, they are really cool!

  2. Chad had included a Vacor l site to open showing many of Vacors named marbles, & there was the pic. of the above orange & black marbles, so doubly confirmed. I would not have thought of Vacor....as for the wood looking ones, I  was fishing for ideas on them, they have very clear seams & wood was the closest  description I could come up with. How about the middle one, any ideas  anyone?

  3. got to mull this one over, don't know if I have a people app. or where it might be-  

    also don't know how to judge the bytes that things take yet, or how to un-resize too small a pic.- I have one that almost disappeared  on me.  I will see if I can navigate what you have suggested to try....thanks

  4. I saw the "coral candy" topic & realized I might have 2 corals that could possibly be Alley agates, I've had the one for a while, & just got the one that has some white in it as well as coral; just liked the colors. If they are Alleys, I'll be thrilled....Your comments? 






  5.      I love flames & will wear out this topic page looking at all the great flames gathered there by everyone. I have a modest collection, but am pleased with what I've been able to get& with what I've been shown, I see I have a lot to look forward to- great marbles, guys:thup:   Here's what I have so far....




  6.          The top 2 are a milk chocolate on lavender, the color swirls on the  lg. one on the bottom are a brownish- lavender, the middle is "as is", the end one's swirls are dk. chocolate & evergreen... the colors are really as shown, any help is welcomed...






  7.      Sometimes a marble invokes a picture in its design beyond just a pleasing pattern. I've separated a few out to a special slot so I can easily find them among the rest. Here's a sample: a banana bunch: a blue crane with blue beak & an eye: a winter scape with falling snow (there are more "flakes", but the camera couldn' t puck up the sm. ones): a wrapped mummy: and a fancy letter "s". I'm sure you all have some too, so how about sharing.....

    marble fun.jpg

  8. Yes, "Dr. Marbles" has smitten me with the marbles I've gotten from his auctions & I can't wait to see what he puts out next (mind out of the gutter please),  I've been outbid on some I wanted, but what I've gotten have been a good addition to what I have, just wish there wasn't tax in ebay now,  along with freight, it makes the object I long for pretty pricy. I😄t makes me choosy, but keeps out "the riff-raff", no" just impulse" buying. Thanks for confirming what I suspected about the Dr. Marble name. (dang, I got the emoji in the wrong place-still rough around the edges with this computer thing!!)

  9.     Although I feel I have abused it, I am learning how to use this forum. It has allowed me to test out my pic size mistakes without letting everyone see my mistakes ( in one of my tries, my pic. was the size of the average woman's diamond ring). I tried to erase them before they recorded, but I see one got through & probably will confuse anyone checking it.  I still don't know the exact # of KBs fills that circle logo, but at least now you can see the marble, & I've learned a lot- thanks for having it available....:thup:

  10.      I too have a special section for clear marbles. Here's a little something I discovered while puzzling over what I have. Mine didn't  have bubbles, but intense color. I had just started looking at marbles with a blacklight, so passed it over my clear reds. Here's what showed up...turns out all the cobalt blues, & the greens also had marble king-like bands, showing that at least they were all made by the same co. (these were all out of the same auction bottle, along with others that didn't blacklight, so it helped me in the sorting too) All appeared totally clear in regular light. Cool, right

    transparent reds.jpg

    black lite reds.jpg


    There have been marbles on ebay sold "from the "Dr Marbles Hoard"  that have been very nice, & sold well: I myself got several. I have two question, is there, or was there a Dr Marbles & the other questions are concerning one marble I got. It was described as an Ally flame, question mark & it looked like an Alley to me.  I haven't yet seen an Alley flame on a clear base, so was suprised to see what I thought was blue flame on white, is actually white flames on a clear blue base- Holding it up to light, it showed flecks of color like a jelly opal can. Putting it on a flashlight that I narrowed to a single spread I did my best to record what showed up, not as bright or as much color, but you can see the large bubble in it's center, that I assume is what is refracturing the light. Is this unusual? & is this why "Dr Marbles" had the question mark on the marble photos used in the sale?







  12. Bill & I spent chunks of the day trying to learn how to make pic. smaller, as we find many places need it: I.E. that round little logo that, if you put in a personal pic., lets people know that the ans. is from you., or if you want to send multiple pics, to your pregnant grand-daughter daughter, who is half-way round the world, you need sm. pics. It wasn't easy- we're almost there. We started with-Utub videos, which come in many languages, then," ask.com" & found out there are lots of site ready to download you various ways to do very complicated things to your pic. Steph, I didn,t want to bother you again with a novice question, & felt we needed to learn how to do computer things, & we are, but it would have been so much simpler if we just had grandchildren closer to just ask to help grandma (they always say"{Oh, Grandma") but help anyway.


  13.      A while ago ,Steph, I asked how to change that "B" into a personalized logo- You gave me a pretty marble pic there  & told me how to change it to a personal marble- in  the meantime I broke a bone in my foot & my paper work piled up- today I cleared the pile, but can't find the paper I wrote the steps down on, nor can I find what you put on the Connection for me.  Can I please have the info again?...thanks


  14. facinating- amazing something that looks so clunky could produce something that looks so refined & finished,, & so fast!   My "drunken cork" will always have a spot among my corks for me to remember what has gone into these marbles we treasure.

  15. under magnification, I can see the red goes totally like a cork, never going over itself, keeping an intact line, drunken as it is, & the colors are identical to my other red & yellow corks. What made it go wobbly, thick & thin like that, would there have been an entire batch like it or was there a hic-up in the machine- would this be called an error & generally culled out, ending  up in a discard pile, or just put in with all the rest- ( I wish sometimes we all could just sit around a table just talk as questions & ideas come to us: at least we have this way of chatting).... thanks, Bonnie

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