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Posts posted by bonniemarbles

  1. I'm going to buy a more versatile camera- one not too complicated, but can give me options. What do you suggest for a "never going to be a professional" but love taking good pictures.  I've seen a lot of photo buffs talking about taking photos in you all's forums, but most is daunting to me- this gal just wants to have fun....

  2. I plead mercy & be patient with me, since I really seem to mess up a lot while trying to learn how to send photos for id by you all. I thought I had sent the#5 series marble a better view of its top to make id  easier but sent it to the wrong marble series. Seems I have the #5 series in my album, but putting it in  the gallery hasn't been done yet. Steph, I tried to figure out what a thread was-thought maybe it was like a tag, but tag didn't work. I've  always been on the artistic, antique side of life, not the computer side & , since shelter in place , the grandkids aren't here to help me. I really want to become fluent in this, have so many marbles to understand, so please stick with me. Can you get my series #5 in place , & I'll work on all of this. thanks, Bonnie

  3. By reading all the comments & hints about posting marbles, etc. I've learned how to crop, do better lighting, go from cell phone pics, to my gallery in three hours rather than 3 days, but I still don't know how to get  attachments from my gallery to the "please id" page, nor how to rearrange my pics. in the order I'd like to have them- I end up with my nos. & orders backwards. I've tried o show the top, bottom & both sides of the 2 marbles, thought I had Master Marble sunbursts, but need firm id.- thanks, Bonnie      PS- somehow I have 1 view in twice - I need to learn how to fix when this happens, so I guess need help on only marble id- any help on all of the above is appreciated!        PPs: I have added  a diff. view of the top of the # 5 series marble. I realized the light was making a glare right where the color strands come together at both marble ends. Maybe the new view will make it easier to id.

  4. The marbles I would like to id. are in my album, labeled  view 1, view 2, & view 3, plus in the center of my pic. labeled "16 marbles to be identified."  The first marble I think Is either a gooseberry or a Joseph Swirl - you can see the pontil mark is rough on both ends where the swirls start- & the base glass is  transparent apple-ish green. The second one is the yellow corkscrew on the transparent , bubble filled watermelon color base, in the pic, Do I put it in with my Akros, or  somewhere else? There are others I have questions on, but I see they need better pics.- I felt at least you all can easily see the qualities, of these. All help is appreciated, Bonniemarbles

  5. Today we started by washing the kitchen & dining room tile floor, a 3 hour job, then I counted my marbles- found I have 925 of them, saw many were dirty-ish, so started washing them. Now it's lunch time, with the afternoon to fill- we've worn our brains out being creative, worn our friends out with phone calls & the only part of the house that hasn't been cleaned is the garage. I've about read every chat in  the Marble Connection, but sitting at the computer reading is broadened more of me then my knowledge. I use to like challenges, but this "shelter-in-place" is really outside the box! How are you all coping?  Be safe, Bonniemarbles

  6. On 3/27/2020 at 2:50 PM, Chuck G said:

    Bonnie, i think an example is shown in the new book on Peltiers done by Sami and Mike. Not sure where the name came from. Here is (my) description for this example.

    "Golden Dragon"--a golden/yellow opaque base with one wide ribbon of a (green) tint ribbon (referring to the name Dragon) with the regular red/orange ribbons, like the "Dragon". has in its composition.

    Now this is (my opinion) while others may vary.  Chuck G---


    Chuck G ,I just found your reply to my dragon questions & I appreciate it. The 5 marbles I have are all translucent with many interior bubbles, glow orangish when set on my cell phone flashlight, & have opal-like quality. The base color has a greenish tinge to the butterscotch & the ribbon is red-orange surfaced over the base which can show through at times, not  quite the picture that Al Oregon posted kindly posted for me. At first I thought a marble had to have a name, now I'm content realizing if I like them that's what counts. thanks,  Bonnie


  7.    Hey everyone - I don't have  an attic with a small tuba to turn to, but I also am trying to make a little sanity for my husband & myself in the midst of this craziness. Finding Marble Connection & all your thoughts, ideas & knowledge has given me the outlet I need to focus on outside myself. Thanks to you all & keep safe, Bonniemarbles 

  8. I've been reading the various topics & answers available in Marble Connection  & got to Peltier Marbles question about gray dragons, along with a pic, of the marble in question. One person in his answer suggested looking at the link "peltiermarbles.info/unique-examples", which I did, & it's a great site, many unusual Peltiers- there I saw pics. of marbles labeled  "golden dragons". They were swirled, not ribboned like the ones I was questioning, but in the process I found my two darker "goldens" are actually "muddy rainbos", & I  also have a couple of "windshields" that I tried to call  MK sunbursts but didn't seem quite to fit there . A Chuck G said a marble like the one in question can have tan, gray, mustard (butterscotch)  base (his wording)- so now I  wonder what more info or pics can be brought up about this question. I just feel my lovely goldies should have a name more than "just pelts".


  9. I hope the marbles show up enough for id. I think the very bottom one is Jabo's  green parrot, next to it I call a turkey, but it may just be a random bird(it really has an eye). the green swirl is how old? I already got an answer on the butterscotch one & from there I have ideas but nothing firm, I really hope this is good enough to see them, but if I need to take any over I will. Since this crazy virus, I can't run around for a better camera then my cell phone-bummer. thanks, Bonnie

  10. I've seen references to golden dragon marbles on E Bay but never in reference books or id sites.  I have "butterscotch" marbles that could fit the term  golden dragon,  but I need  knowledgeable information about what they are. I included 'real "dragons (I think) to show that the colors in the marbles are true to form. I haven't learned how to drag a photo from my album to adhere to my questions yet, so please  look at my new pics in my gallery (or maybe the spirit who did his/her magic like last time will do it again, and add a note and maybe tell me how to do it). thanks, Bonnie

  11. Thankyou so much. I'm reading all the comments all of you have written in the forums, etc., & am learning so much, I have a sweet green slag with the same finish along with some others. Most of the marbles in my  photos came together in the same jar, along with a mans name & the date 1976. I feel he was a collector & will keep his collection intact & learn as much as I can through them. Of course I'm adding my own, who can resist the hunt of a new marble! Bonnie

  12. O.K., so I guess I have to get a better camera than my cell phone. I thought maybe others had run into matt finishes & had a fast answer, like a dirt chemical or something. It's just I like my corkscrew a lot & it stands out so from the others that I feel sorry for it. (As you see, I personalize my "stuff") Thanks for the try, Bonnie

  13. If you look at my gallery pics you'll see 3 photos, ,1 shows front view of a smiling & frowning marble, the next shows the same marbles with their back side, and the last shows  as if they were a Peltier "Baseball." I have two more like these & all are the same color. I look but all I've found are these. I just smile any time I look at them. Any one have them in another color?

  14. Thanks for the feedback. I want so badly to post question; I've even started, then canceled out  because of uncertainty. I want to put a photo up, then ask about it, but right now the photos I want to post are doing a float job out there somewhere, & I don't have enough knowledge of computers to find them. I did learn finally how to  change out the duplicated photo in my album to the right one, but it took me & my husband many hours to do. The desire to become fluent in using the Marble Connection is becoming quite the lesson in computerism! Bonnie

  15. I'm "Bonniemarbles" & this is why I  joined Marble Connection; to meet people who understand a passion for collecting & who is taken by the lore of marbles, which you truly have on both counts. Half the year I live in Theodore, Al., which is an outskirt of Mobile, the other half in Crossville, Tn. & collect "stuff" both places, while my husband golfs. (yes, we are retired now &love it" Good meeting you, Bonnie

  16. 22 hours ago, Steph said:

    Hi Bonnie. 

    Welcome.   I haven't figured out how to make comments on photos in the gallery.  Used to be able to.   Something changed. 

    If you go to any one of the subforums, such as the Marble ID forum, you should see a button near the top which says "Start Topic".  That should get you to where you can paste or upload a few marble pics for discussion.

    You do  some nice marbles, I can see from the gallery.


    Hi Steph, thanks for the info-I shall work on learning about your suggestion, Bonnie

  17. Hi, "Bonnie marbles" here & I'm as new to the marble world as can be. At an auction in Aug last year I bid on a jar that had marbles in it. I wanted the jar & got marbles by default, looked at them & have been hooked ever since. I have posted some of my jar marbles in my album. Being new to the Connection, I have questions, like how do I get into conversations with others- I can't find a way. I just hope this gets to you and maybe you can tell me some tips- also, if you look at my pictures, you see I've got one in twice, but can't figure how to delete it or change it. This is long, but I really need help on marbles I can't identify, such as the bubble filled watermelon colored base marble with the yellow corkscrew in it, (my favorite one & what started my new passion). I hope I get a reply to this, Bonnie


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