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Posts posted by bonniemarbles

  1.  I'm going clock-wise in these 2 groups; first group,  I've got noon & 2 o'clock as alleys', the rest I have questions about- Is 4 o'clock still a swirl if all activity is one one side?   It also has a cream base. rather than white, the  7 o'clock has a minty base, do base colors give clues to swirl makers? 11 o'clock has flat end to its ribbons & doesn't look WV to me, but what else then?  In the next group, 12 o'clock has pocket wear, but the swirls are so dark & bold I love it; any id on it?  The 2 o'clock & 11 o'clock look alley to me??  4 o'clock looks like a patch turned to a cork on a semi-opaque base, & 6 o'clock is one long strand like a broken ribbon, does it qualify as a snake?  Thanks for any input- Bonnie









  2.      I have a box devoted to clear marbles arranged like a rainbow & am always looking for a new color tone to add to it. Also, I Give them the ultra violet light test... you never know if they are really  just clear- as I found out with a batch of clear reds- see pics. Then there are solid whites ( sorry, I changed topics)- my game there is giving "largest-to-smallest"  status to the lowly white marble,  meaning I have to at least look at them before they go into the salvation pile' It's amazing how entertaining marbles can be! 

    transparent reds.jpg

    black lite reds.jpg

    whites ascending.jpg

  3.      It's raining &  I'm doing laundry, what better time to go through marbles- today I got out my pastels. They're not the most exciting marbles, but have a certain beauty, especially when used to contrast or highlight bright colors. Maybe they can even be given an id....anyone???   And then there are those we tend to overlook & lump in the "only swirls" box that might be onyx or other type gem in disguise, one can only hope!  Any gem here?








  4.     I apologize, I got the names mixed up, I ment to say, without the white is the Sunflower- the pictures don't do the marbles justice, you can get lost in the twists & turns inside them. I know what you mean about the marble supply. I've never seen any at a thrift shop or yd.sale, & the prices have seemed to have gone up just since I began to collect them  since last Aug.

  5.      Some Vacor marbles have slipped into my collection behind my back when bidding on a bottle with marbles I really wanted- some (I.E. The Destroyer) I quickly donated to Goodwill, a few have stayed. Because of Steven B's video I have a name for the ones I will always keep: the orange , black , yellow & white 2 are called Sunflowers, & the one without the yellow is Halloween. I especially like how the top Sunflower crisscrosses it's self, & from front & back almost looks like a cats-eye   





  6.    These I like but don't know where to place them. The one at 4 o'clock has a citrus look to it, the one at 3 looks vitro phantom conqueror, the bottom one is so beat up, but called out to me, & the top one ???   The swirls look WV & the bottom swirled one looks like it should be called a grasshopper. The last pics I just threw in because I have your attention & am stumped as to where they were made. (PS-Steph I like using your idea of placement of marbles as if on a clock, really easier to locate what I'm talking about with one in a group)











  7. We live in Crossville, Tn. from April to Oct. & ea. summer " the 127 longest flea market" goes right through our quiet town, with venders setting up where people rent out spaces in their yards or fields, or they find spots along the highway. It congests our town for 10 or so days, but mostly it's great fun seeing  people we've seen over the yrs. This year was diff., because of the pandemic. many old friends didn't show, the townspeople were wary, masks were hot, and we all tried to smile with our eyes as we searched for that bargain, or for that one treasure. I asked ea. vender I got to if they had any marbles. All but one said no, but one said I have them, but haven't unpacked yet, so come back tomorrow. I was there before to dew was gone, out of fear someone would get to her first. She had 3 ball jar full sitting on the table,& while she was busy with a customer, I gently rolled the bottle around , trying to see what they had in them. Most were common ones, dinged ones, or too far inside to see. I didn't want the whole collection & asked her if she sold individual ones, she said sure & promptly grabbed a big frying pan & proceeded to not so gently dump all the marble in it. I cringed, but asked her how much a marble. She said pick out what you want & I'll price them. It was great fun & a little sad, because I saw some great marbles with too much damage, I picked out 25,  hoping it wouldn't cost too much, & she asked for $12.00.  That made my day sunny!!! Here's some I got & I need some help identifying them. I'm hoping the one at 4o'clock is a helmet, & that some, or all in the other series are wire-pulls. 










  8.      I think I have Master Marble Sunbursts in the 1st group, but Akro Sparkler comes to mind also. The next 2 pic.s I had in labeled Marble King, but now I don't know: as I look at the seams I'm not so sure. The last batch I have no clue except maybe not USA?  (I had labeled 1st batch  cateyes when I got started with marbles- seems so long ago-10 mons.& pre-pandemic, the good ol'days)  


    cateyes b.jpg

    cateyes c.jpg

    cateyes d.jpg

    cateyes a.jpg

    MK or Pelt.jpg

    MKor Pelta.jpg

    3 to id,a.jpg

    3 to id,b.jpg

    3 to id,c.jpg

    3 to id.jpg

  9.      For those interested here's quick shots, one of the hit marks I found, & one of the Jabo "U's, S & snake- I also just had to put in one of my favorite Jabo color combinations with adenturine from Jinks Run, 2009, one of mu first ebay Purchases.

    Jabo hit marks.jpg

    JaboKelly's Alleys.jpg


  10.  Of m y  4 look-alikes, 3 have a white hit mark, 2 have U's, 1 has an S, & last has a snake, all 3/4 in. You called them perfectly- all 4 qualify for "Frank's Alley" Jabos & are  good comparison marbles to have- thanks for the info-Bonnie

  11.       Ron, this is about my favorite marble, so I'm really trying to tell Alleys from other marbles of similar look. I put these marbles under the screen with your great picture of the array of Alleys & these other 4 of mine had the same looks of many there- are there tell-tale signs that these are or aren't Alleys?  There's a Jabo classic the looks much the same except the red swirls look larger & less delicate -I have 4 for comparison, but I don't know of others I need to be aware of. I'm sort of a stickler about categories, I want all my peas to be peas, so I want my favorite marbles to be in their right place (I like this color combination in Peltier too, but their are easy to id & put together ). Thank you for all your help, & to others that have responded, Bonnie

    a mib.jpg

    a mib a.jpg

    a mib b.jpg

    a mib c.jpg

  12. Here's other views of the red & blue marble -I found two cut lines with my magnifying glass so am leaning to Peltier also- the cut lines were really hard to find in the swirls & I hadn't even thought of Peltier. I also found the blue base is translucent with a few very fine clear lines that go through the marble to the other side. (If It takes this same amount of time & thought process for all my unidentified marbles I'll still be going through them when the virus is done!.) O.K., so can I call this a Superboy marble? Thanks bunches, Bonnie




  13. Steph I don't know why this isn't under the topic "marbles to id"- it must have something to do with that  I was on battery- here are the best views I could get on the interiors of the marbles-I tried sun & led, but finally tried my daylight bulb & it did the best. You can see all the bubbles in the first 2, whereas the 2 outside marbles are a dense, real purple & the first 2 are toward the rose side of purple. I'm going to put more swirl pics in shortly, thanks for the help on these.

    purple 1.jpg

    purple 2.jpg

  14. I'm down to asking for help with my marbles that don't have obvious clues: ( like  yellow & black becomes a bumblebee- easy one to sort). Swirls are a different matter,  Steph & all, if I'm throwing too many at you, or they are starting to bore you, let me know, otherwise here goes....

         In the purple set, the first 2 are transparent & have scattered white, wire-like strands throughout them, the next ones have so many thicker strands throughout that they barely show the transparent purple glass base. The other 4 have citrus base glass & I almost thought they were wanna-b's cateyes, but they're a little too swirly..... We're having a storm, so I'm finishing this on battery- will send more later, thanks, Bonnie








  15. I don't cater to shooters, but these tagged along with the others so as, what usually happens with strays, I kept them. The largest is an inch & they graduate down to the lowest one, a 5/8 incher,  put in as a size reference. The largest is beat up, but will always stay because he has "heart".  And I don't know how to classify the blues,so i'm interested in your ideas.





    6 blues.jpg

    6 bluesa.jpg

    6 bluesb.jpg

  16.      These  marbles are from the same auction house, but a later date, supposedly from the same antique shop being liquidated. The red & blue one, 3rd frame down has a crater that shows the under-lying orange, which really makes narrow bands through all the red, making the marbles  quite bright, more then I could get to show up.  & are the last 4, MK rainbows-they seem to have a lot more colors than most? I'm guessing the blues & green one could be Alleys, 














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