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Everything posted by bonniemarbles

  1. Somehow a series I want to id has floated into discussion of another marble I posted, not under the original marble I wanted to add better pictures to so it can be id. It seem easy to mess up, but hard to undo...yugh
  2. Steph, I redid my photos that were too lg. & blurry, using what comments you made, & what a world of difference, now maybe it won't so hard to get the marble identified & put where it belongs, thanks a bunch! PS. now I need to learn how to delete photos I no longer want in my photo file, another challenge!
  3. From the album: my marbles

  4. bonniemarbles

    new#C view.jpg

    From the album: my marbles

  5. I'm going to buy a more versatile camera- one not too complicated, but can give me options. What do you suggest for a "never going to be a professional" but love taking good pictures. I've seen a lot of photo buffs talking about taking photos in you all's forums, but most is daunting to me- this gal just wants to have fun.... Please don't laugh, I used the camera in my cell phone because my older camera broke(I won't tell you how) . I just used my old one on Auto setting- I'm a painter, do on site creeks, vistas, etc. so haven't taken many photos to id anything much, (before retiring I read blue-prints of new homes & helped people pick out lighting fixtures & such) This is all pretty new to me, but can't think of a better way to spend "stay in place" till life reorganizes in the world- keep safe
  6. I'm going to buy a more versatile camera- one not too complicated, but can give me options. What do you suggest for a "never going to be a professional" but love taking good pictures. I've seen a lot of photo buffs talking about taking photos in you all's forums, but most is daunting to me- this gal just wants to have fun....
  7. I see what you mean about the glass detail being better than the marble. I'll try again with this marble.
  8. My photos look what I would call normal in my album but when I moved them from my album to the "to be id" forum, they became huge and this more blurry. How can I transfer them as a regular size? Do I start smaller?
  9. This is one of those that I saw one very similar but I've since learned similar doesn't always mean it is the same- marbles are confusing in a lot of ways.
  10. bonniemarbles

    viewC3 to id.jpg

    From the album: my marbles

  11. bonniemarbles

    viewC1 to id.jpg

    From the album: my marbles

  12. From the album: my marbles

  13. bonniemarbles

    viewCto id.jpg

    From the album: my marbles

  14. bonniemarbles

    #7c series to id

    From the album: my marbles

    the green is translucent & full of bubbles
  15. bonniemarbles

    #7a series to id

    From the album: my marbles

  16. bonniemarbles

    #7 series to id

    From the album: my marbles

  17. I plead mercy & be patient with me, since I really seem to mess up a lot while trying to learn how to send photos for id by you all. I thought I had sent the#5 series marble a better view of its top to make id easier but sent it to the wrong marble series. Seems I have the #5 series in my album, but putting it in the gallery hasn't been done yet. Steph, I tried to figure out what a thread was-thought maybe it was like a tag, but tag didn't work. I've always been on the artistic, antique side of life, not the computer side & , since shelter in place , the grandkids aren't here to help me. I really want to become fluent in this, have so many marbles to understand, so please stick with me. Can you get my series #5 in place , & I'll work on all of this. thanks, Bonnie
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