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Everything posted by bonniemarbles

  1. If you look at the blue, yellow & green corkscrew marble in my "smiles" photos in the gallery, it doesn't up show well there, but it has a matt finish. There are no dings or chips that show wear. I got several others with matt finishes, in the same jar- were they made that way, why, &, if so who made them? Bonnie.
  2. If you look at my gallery pics you'll see 3 photos, ,1 shows front view of a smiling & frowning marble, the next shows the same marbles with their back side, and the last shows as if they were a Peltier "Baseball." I have two more like these & all are the same color. I look but all I've found are these. I just smile any time I look at them. Any one have them in another color?
  3. Thanks for the feedback. I want so badly to post question; I've even started, then canceled out because of uncertainty. I want to put a photo up, then ask about it, but right now the photos I want to post are doing a float job out there somewhere, & I don't have enough knowledge of computers to find them. I did learn finally how to change out the duplicated photo in my album to the right one, but it took me & my husband many hours to do. The desire to become fluent in using the Marble Connection is becoming quite the lesson in computerism! Bonnie
  4. I'm "Bonniemarbles" & this is why I joined Marble Connection; to meet people who understand a passion for collecting & who is taken by the lore of marbles, which you truly have on both counts. Half the year I live in Theodore, Al., which is an outskirt of Mobile, the other half in Crossville, Tn. & collect "stuff" both places, while my husband golfs. (yes, we are retired now &love it" Good meeting you, Bonnie
  5. Hi Steph, thanks for the info-I shall work on learning about your suggestion, Bonnie
  6. Hi, "Bonnie marbles" here & I'm as new to the marble world as can be. At an auction in Aug last year I bid on a jar that had marbles in it. I wanted the jar & got marbles by default, looked at them & have been hooked ever since. I have posted some of my jar marbles in my album. Being new to the Connection, I have questions, like how do I get into conversations with others- I can't find a way. I just hope this gets to you and maybe you can tell me some tips- also, if you look at my pictures, you see I've got one in twice, but can't figure how to delete it or change it. This is long, but I really need help on marbles I can't identify, such as the bubble filled watermelon colored base marble with the yellow corkscrew in it, (my favorite one & what started my new passion). I hope I get a reply to this, Bonnie
  7. bonniemarbles

    view c.jpg

    From the album: my marbles

  8. bonniemarbles

    view b.jpg

    From the album: my marbles

  9. bonniemarbles

    view a.jpg

    From the album: my marbles

  10. bonniemarbles

    view 2.jpg

    From the album: my marbles

  11. bonniemarbles

    view 1.jpg

    From the album: my marbles

  12. bonniemarbles

    smiles 3.jpg

    From the album: my marbles

  13. bonniemarbles

    smiles 2.jpg

    From the album: my marbles

  14. bonniemarbles

    smiles 1.jpg

    From the album: my marbles

  15. bonniemarbles

    smiles 4.jpg

    From the album: my marbles

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