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Everything posted by bonniemarbles

  1. thank you guys- I'm in love with Alleys & Akros right now, so my antennas are out big time for them-great fun!
  2. I really like these yellow & blue Popeye patches, but can't tell if they are Akro or Vitro Popeys. Also I got these two red-on-yellow marbles, both were called Akros, but did Akro do swirls like the lg. one has?, & after working with so many Alley swirls & flames, I wonder if the smaller one is an Alley ( the description said it was a "bloodies oxblood", hadn't run that name yet...) It doesn't matter what it is to me really, as I like it as a keeper, just need clarification- thanks, Bonnie a
  3. I'm drooling like a dog seeing a juicy bone.- love that marble!
  4. Wow! quite an answer- so 10:00 goes from pole to pole like an "s" but not totally around the marble once, is it then a patch, or a lazy cork? ( term I've run into but don't know what exactly it is), also if 2:00 is not Akro, any idea where to put it? So, no ox-blood here, but my 12:00 is a "special"-he's old & tired, but I always knew he was "special", cause it was among my first favorites. Thanks all!
  5. After reading the "Akro &,or other Ades" forum, I'm looking at my cork section and am not sure what I have with some...does the 12:00 one fit any classification ? Are the 2 & 6:00s ox-bloods, the both have some red that is transparent & some, the darker lines, are dense & no light shines through. 4:00 is translucent, and I called 6 & 10:00 patches, but are they really corks??? And lastly, are they all Akros, or do I have any of them wrong? I'm very interested in your answers...Bonnie
  6. By foreign on those on the bottom, do you mean Vacor foreign, or Europe/ Japanese ??? I'm thinking mostly about the one with browns, it looks like good glass & design, more than I think of what the Orient produces to export( I'm showing a little bias here).
  7. I love flames & have acquired several, I'm hoping they are all alleys but I need verification. On the cat's eyes I think I have all Vitros but need confirmation- I hope this sample is enough for id. And the last group is harder- at 12:00 is maybe a ghost-less Alley, 4:00, is this an Akro color combo?, the other two ???
  8. I really expected my 2 marbles to be Alley or Champion- 1 of ea. can be fine, as I love both their color & designs. I'm partial to the color combination, when I saw my first Alley flames on gold, I was hooked on Alleys & that has spread to Champions too- still like Peltiers, but my horizons have spread. Thanks for the conversation, pics. & all
  9. How great to have so many wonderful marbles. Here's how I keep my marbles.... the plastic containers and jars beside the stack of plastic storage boxes are my -to get rid of or have boo-boos. & that's it!
  10. They do exist, along with many other versions of dragons. I found a subset in the "Peltiermarbles.info" site- click on the heading NLRs & there is a "dragons" heading with 12 pics in all of variations of the Peltier dragons: clear dragons, unusual color combos, even a dragon's eye &, yes, a golden dragon. I've included copies of some of the pics. ( I hope it's O.K. to do so, if not let me know) Then I went to ebay & copied what I found there & their prices (again is there a problem in doing so?) When it comes to Peltier swirls, how do we know it's a Peltier swirl? I've included here a pic. of my marbles that come close to the golden dragon in the Peltier id pic., but are they Peltier, or from , lets say, Alley? And how do we know the ones shown on ebay really are Peltier GD's? I'll never pay over $200.00 for one, but I have hopes of owning a real Peltier GD.
  11. I really liked all five of these marbles, but really need help in knowing just what I have, & who made them. I'm hoping the one at 5:00 is a Furnace, the rest ???
  12. I have only scratched the surface of the knowledge that be found in this site. A book could be written including all the knowledge, discussions, flavors of peoples experiences that can be found here. My greatest regret is I started collecting marbles so late in this cycle. I'm not sure when our USA will be in shape for me to experience a live marble show. I'm too late to meet Alan, who seems to be a lovely, smart person. I know, marbles are a fraction of everything going on now, but, for me, they have been a haven in a uncertain world. Keep going. folks and keep safe- lol, Bonnie
  13. The green on these is striking & the brown seems to have the same intensity , so I assume they are from the same co. The next group have this weird box of color at one end that I haven't been able to figure out what causes it. Help on id and any other thoughts thanks, Bonnie
  14. Super pictures- better than "1000 words- the rest of the pics aren't shabby either. thanks for posting them...Bonnie
  15. It's great that you take the time to share your knowledge with we who are coming in at this late level. Right now I buy only what I covet, no matter what the name, but I also like knowing all I can, including names we to give to marbles that have common traits. The grand descriptions & names sellers often give their marbles to sell are often entertaining & easy to see through. But names come up , like Peltiers red angel- if its a specific style what makes it a red angel? thanks, Bonnie
  16. Like everyone else I pass some time looking at marbles on eBay, Here are some things I need help with translating. DAS proceeds some marbles, also "sponsored"...what , if any do they infer? Also, are some names that are used to refer to marbles for sale just a person's own description, or are they bona-fid names, I.E.: Peltier's Ruby Bee? Christensen's ruby Bee/ marble king's ruby bee- These seem to be used for what I use to call my "golden dragon" which I now know aren't what Peltier's Golden Dragon" really looks like ( & I keep looking for) & there's Peltier's red angel, & bloody red marbles- & I've not found any descriptions of these so I can know them apart. And lastly, St, Mary's ghost, what makes a ghost marble & is there a real story behind it? I wait with great interest your answers!!! Bonnie
  17. While looking through eBay I saw marbles very much like these that were labeled "V" run by Dave McCullough: I've had them for a while & kind of liked their rather Spartan style, but couldn't place them anywhere, so is this where they belong? & is that Champion then, or Jabo? Much interested in answers...Bonnie Oh ya, their backs are all white
  18. Neat...I'll try again on my favorite AKRO marble, but that is so much nicer than the B... Thanks
  19. I followed everything, uploaded a picture from my computer album, but I'm told the picture is too lg. What should I try now? another picture? I know how to crop my reg. pics, but don't know how to just make it smaller.
  20. I like all the little diff. marble pics that take the place of a generic "B" or other letters before a person's profile. How do I replace the letter for a marble? Bonnie
  21. Bonniemarbles here- I haven't been collecting marbles long enough to have singled out a certain co. or style, I just love marbles. As you can see from the pic., I keep my marbles in plastic boxes deemed for jewelry beads, & label them as I learn where they go: yes that's all I have, no boxes in the attic, or shelves full of bottled marbles, that's for the future, I'm sure. And here's a pic. of my "photo lab" The cabinet behind the "lab" has drawers full of lamp parts. I repair lamps for people & sell lamp parts, lampshades & antiques in an antique shop in Crossville, Tn. I use rounded brass nuts{showing in photo} under my marbles to keep them from rolling. As you can tell, It's a grass roots project. Here' a selfie, which I'm just learning to do, still can't take one with my eyes straight ahead. Meeting other marble collectors is on my bucket list, preferable at a marble show, if life ever gets that normal again.
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