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Everything posted by bonniemarbles

  1. Basically, I don't collect cat eyes-don't go out of my way to buy them, but some come along with others, & are really neat enough to keep : here are some I've kept. In the last frame is one of my favorites, it looks like an oddly colored violet....neat stuff. fellows
  2. Yesss!... I thought the 3 looked diff. from any MK tigers I had seen, but only had found a reference to Bengal tigers- so took a chance on these....Thanks for the IDs Ron, especially on the wasp- the other 3 came with the wasp, & I will put them under patch & ribbon, unless anyone has a further ID, (I did think of Indian Blanket for the patch on 3:00, but does the blk./ yellow/red color scheme match up for any other marble but Akro)? Also, how can I tell when the wasp might have been made, or does it matter on the wasp, so many questions.....Thanks for the help
  3. I got 9 MK marbles, unidentified, but the kind of colors I love. IN trying to id them, I found pics. of tigers & Bengal tigers, are mine Bengals? Also I think I have at least 1 wasp in the second set of pics, but don't know about the other 3...Any suggestions, &/or ids.?
  4. That sure does look like an oranges peel....thanks for the info
  5. Maybe these will give some more info to what I can call the shooter. I'm kind of sorry now that I tuned into the topic of deciding how many colors one can count on a marble, because now i'm second guessing every marble that has more than one stand alone color on white
  6. These both look like there should be a small surfer some where. I've put the Popeye in to show the cork is a shooter. my question, what label does the shooter fit- I have 2 closeups of the white band that is made up of filaments, & there is a light gray/lavender line that shows up better when held- I'll try again on capturing the white & other band-they barely show up here
  7. these are part of my Xmas present to me... 12.00 I got for the eyelashes, also has a pure orange tracer line, one pure red tracer line, & a bunches of other blended color lines: so is it a two colored plus blending corkscrew, just a blended sing. cork?, or what? this seems to go back to our current cork color discussion.... 3:00 is a long looked for Indian blanket, but the red is translucent, is that OK? 5:00 is yummy, a bubbly ginger ale base with one bone cork line with white tracer line cork & a parallel cork made up of wh. filaments (hard to catch). 7:00 is either a snake, or lemonade cork, which? 10:00 Is dark blue & orange with a burnt orange tracer line between the orange & blue corks, so here again, is it two color or three color marble? Getting these was the most fun I've had in a couple of weeks ! (at 75 it doesn't take much)
  8. Hi Ron, thanks for adding to what I was thinking about in regards to the black outline on the corks. I was mostly thinking about one glass color going atop another, didn' t mean to imply a mixing of two color, but influencing how one color can go over another & appear to produce another color between them; particularly my Vitro Tigereyes, where a blue or purple meets an orange, there often is a tracer line between them showing up as a black or a mud brown line. I have a marble I've kept because it shows to me how marble colors can go into the entire marble, as well as on the surface . It also shows something else- there is a black tracer line that outlines the entire corkscrew in the Akro marble. the chip still shows solid red & blue, but the black tracer is interrupted. Either the black line somehow was only on the surface, or the translucent red was chipped off, letting the basic blue to show without being topped by a glazing of red. That seems to be the easiest way to get a tracer line between two colors, As to whither there are three colors involved that way, it's subjective, seems like a chicken or egg type of conversation to me either way, it's like adding eye liner to a pretty woman, just makes the eye a little prettier for her. here's my akro pic.... I need to get one of those macro lenses, hope you can see the chip well enough....thanks for talking, wish we all could have talks in person
  9. Getting back to dealing with a black line demarcating two colors, I have to play the devil's advocate here: red & green can make black, so can blue & orange, green & orange & many other combinations, the more saturated (IE the darker the colors,) the blacker our eyes see the mix. We can have green-black, red-black, etc. which is why we have so many choices of paints & coloring agents, & why it's so hard to match paints when doing a paint patch job, or match shingles after a hurricane ( which we are facing right now) Adding in how two colors can react & work together when mixed, like when you pour chocolate into vanilla for a marble cake, I can see how the black line on a marble becomes a point for interpretation, but it's very probable that it's a product of two color interacting. So was it planned so that the marble maker was trying for a certain look, or wanted to make 3 colored marbles; or was it just a happy accident that makes the marble look more special. I'm not sure there is a finite answer, but I would love to have one of the black lined marbles, none of mine do. It's like putting eye liner on a woman's eyes, it just enhances them. Geeze, I sound like a teacher-sorry 🙄
  10. Ron , please don't stop helping all of us, you have so much experience, information, & background knowledge in this field that is so helpful & interesting, especially for us who have just started fresh in the last years or so, that I just say, keep being you. I personally value your help, and the help from all of you.
  11. I found it very hard to capture the AV in my Jabos, even in the sun, they have a lot more sparkles then I was able to photograph. Some of you got the shimmers really well, These are the only marbles I have with AV so far: I'm on the search for a AV loaded spruce- just love the frosted evergreen look.
  12. Berry , I'm just killing a little time & saw your marble first pic.& I have a kissing cousin to the 4:00 marble in your first pic, - where do you place it maker wise, any idea? I'm interested in knowing manufactures & am very new to id'ing but try to follow leads, Bonnie
  13. I shall be studying these pictures for mons.; they are great to refer to over & over, thank you for them & the information. Darn I thought I had something that would help me to id. Heatons, guess I haven't looked at my swirls close enough, another bubble bursts....I wish I knew why I get the same pictures or postings sometimes, what am I doing wrong when that happens?
  14. I don't know why this post repeated itself, but this give me a chance to ask if this marble has a name?
  15. I shall be studying these pictures for mons.; they are great to refer to over & over, thank you for them & the information. I've posted pic. of the center marble- in taking these, already I have learned something new: what I thought was a loose pattern allover the marble, is in reality one ribbon winding back & forth all over the marble: the same with the red-on-pink one, which also has a large clip on it's back. If you look at them wrong, they just look like a busy , all over pattern- I have a couple of others I'll have to look closer at too.....thanks so much!
  16. I shall be studying these pictures for mons.; they are great to refer to over & over, thank you for them & the information. I've posted pic. of the center marble- in taking these, already I have learned something new: what I thought was a loose pattern allover the marble, is in reality one ribbon winding back & forth all over the marble: the same with the red-on-pink one, which also has a large clip on it's back. If you look at them wrong, they just look like a busy , all over pattern- I have a couple of others I'll have to look closer at too.....thanks so much!
  17. I'm trying to get samples of key Heaton styles so I can sort them out with a little confidence. I've started with the simplest first- looking at the Heaton dig video & Stephen B's identification & descriptions, & finding named marbles from there. Now I'm trying to nail down what makes a Heaton stand out from other WV marbles by certain traits, IE, 'ears", circle & tail & less obvious things. Here are several I'd like for Y'all to critique. I'm pretty sure the green 12:00 is a circle & tail, but is there any length requirement for the tail, as this one is pretty long. (seems like a rather silly question, but you never know, as I just found an Ally flame needs 4 flames to be bonified, who knew) I got lucky, this marble also had the clip mark on the back, it's not V shaped as the examples I saw, but I assume they can very? No. 11:00 is one long ribbon that wraps around the marble, same as the green one, is this a trait of Heaton? My center marble is busy, lots of action, I have 2 red with other colors that look very similar, all with wide swoopy, bands- I feel this is a Heaton, perhaps either or both of the dark ones could be an Oyster or a Voodo marble? What do you think? The red-on-pink & the 4:00 could have "ears", Or the red bands could be sloppy circle & tail This is a learning process, so if I'm all wet on any of this, lay it on me- no ego involved here.....
  18. I don't know where the pic. went, I'll try them again; Here again, there was a disruption on one pic. Don't know if it's my end our yours?
  19. I had these in my WV swirl section, & now I'm wondering if they can't be closer identified? I'm wondering if the red-on-pink could be a Heaton Red Rose; if maybe the other are Heatons, especially the wh. base one- the purple is the same as in my 2 berry ones. Can't say I see any ears, but I haven't got the "ears" design down pat yet. Need some more examples there....I think Heaton colors are striking- glad I can id them better now thanks to the video & what y'all are offering up.
  20. I had these in my WV swirl section, & now I'm wondering if they can't be closer identified? I'm wondering if the red-on-pink could be a Heaton Red Rose; if maybe the other are Heatons, especially the wh. base one- the purple is the same as in my 2 berry ones. Can't say I see any ears, but I haven't got the "ears" design down pat yet. Need some more examples there....I think Heaton colors are striking- glad I can id them better now thanks to the video & what y'all are offering up.
  21. The rusty red marble has what I would call a tan tracer line along side ea. wh. ribbon, and the transparent red that you see on the surface dives down & becomes the dark areas that looks black in the marble, but is actually dark like some ox-blood looks, & when i put the marble on my cell phone light, the entire red is transparent cherry red- a really complicated marble
  22. I re-watched Stephen's video & saw a fast look at a Red Rose, also a couple that looked sort of like my rusty brown/red marble in first pic. but not that volcanic enough- any name for it? And then the white on dark purple is a blackberry, so I have both, right? Love itThanks for all the help!
  23. Thanks for the feedback. I was hoping for a Beautyberry, but was thinking I couldn't loose even if it was only a Blackberry. I need more Heaton variety pics., like what is a "Rose". & I think I have an "ear on the bottom one, but wish I had more samples.....Any one?
  24. These are to only white patterned marbles I've kept & don't know where they fit. They were in my first auction bottle, & I assume they were kept by that person because they looked interesting to him/her too. The top one has an inclusion inside that really doesn't detract from it., the wh.-on-greenish gl. has a bubble/eye that peers out as you turn it, & the last one, well I don't know what to think about it. Any thoughts as to who made them? thanks
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