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Everything posted by Berryb

  1. My mom who was into glass, especially art glass showed me the test for true cobalt glass a long time ago. Hold it up to sunlight, the light that projects through onto your hand will be more purple than blue. it's kinda odd considerin' how blue the glass itself looks, but when you see it, it's unmistakable. This marble passes that test. Thanks Bruce
  2. My name is Bruce. I live in western Montana. I should stop there, but I can't. Been collecting mibs for about 30 years. I do it on the cheap; yard sales etc. The most I ever spent on a marble is 20 bucks, it's the CAC in the photo. My favorite marbles are corkscrews, and anything oxblood. My favorite marble color is Akro's pistachio green. But I really like 'em all. The pic is some of my faves from recent acquisitions.
  3. I got this marble with my first pile that started my collection 30 years ago. It's always been one of my favorites. It's just a touch over 1/2 inch. I think it's actual cobalt glass. I read somewhere that most of the cobalt used in glass manufacture came from Germany, and that after WW1 no true cobalt glass was made in the U.S. I could be wrong, but if I'm right my guess is it was made in Europe. What do you think? Thanks Bruce
  4. Hadn't thought of that. It could explain the orange peel surface and the blowouts. But it brings up other questions about glass chemistry; why does it turn brown with a torch and not when it's a liquid during manufacture? Why did the white stay white? If cracked open would the center still be Ox colored? I put in a sharper photo. One of the blowouts is at 3 o'clock, another just like it is opposite and just out of view. another pin hole blowout is dead center. What may be a pontil is about 7o'clock. Thanks Bruce
  5. Hi; I'm new to this site. Been collectin' marbles (among other things) for nearly 30 years. I just got this one as part of a trade a couple of days ago. It's pretty beat up but I couldn't resist. It seems to be an odd ball. It's chocolate brown not ox and it has what could be a pontil. It's 11/16ths. The first pic is with another brick for color contrast and then 2 other views. Any ideas? Thanks Bruce
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