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Everything posted by Berryb

  1. I had to look up the spellin'. I was so far off even auto correct didn't have a clue. Thanks Bruce
  2. Me too. I'm jonesin bad, I have not seen a new old marble in months. Thanks Bruce
  3. my biggest piece of ox, part of an epergne. I would like to see a complete one. It's 19 inches long. Thanks Bruce
  4. I have watched it twice, will see it again. First rate, as we have come to expect from Stephen. Thanks Bruce
  5. The 1st one is dark amber with yellow ribbons. thanks Bruce
  6. I like the transparent ones too. Who am I kiddin, I like all corks, but here are some of my favorite transparents. thanks Bruce
  7. The Stephen Bahr video is the best source I have found to I.D. A.T.&M. mibs. From what I have seen in that video I would say all but the one on the far right are correct- that one may be right but I can't really tell. Thanks Bruce
  8. Ceiling light, back light, and black light. Thanks Bruce
  9. Nice one. It would look even better sittin' next to my green one. Thanks Bruce
  10. So evenly frosted they kinda' look like beach glass to me. I'd leave 'em alone, but that's just me. Thanks Bruce
  11. The flattened profile is similar to original equipment for pickup trucks or anything with a floor shifter. Thanks Bruce
  12. All I know is; picking thru a pile of mibs makes me truly happy, even if none make it to the display (that is usually the case). I spend more time in my halfway house (mibs that are too cool for the junk jar, but not good enough to show off), than I do in my display case. Thanks Bruce
  13. Found an old pic of some of my slags. It may have been posted before, but I still like 'em. Thanks Bruce
  14. Prob'ly not a bruiser, the clear is brown not green. I'm gonn'a go with akro, and a cork at that. As soon as I stopped lookin' at the blue as a stripe and saw it as the base glass it all fell into place. The clear glass goes around from pole to pole, it stretches into a hair thin stripe in one spot but is unbroken all the way. Thanks Bruce
  15. I hadn't thought of Akro. Here are some more shots to help confirm or reject that theory. Thanks Bruce
  16. I got some mibs, cheap. One of the lots was a small baggie with about 20 marbles labeled "Peltier". Most were in fact pelts but I have doubts about these. Do you think any of these are Peltier? The smallest (green-yellow) is 19/32nds, the largest (blue-black) is 21/32nds. Thanks Bruce
  17. A couple of foamy ones from my pile- a cork and a rainbo. Thanks Bruce
  18. Vintage is a wine term and only valid when used with a year. It is often used to deceive when used with "antiques". In the antiques domain it can be used interchangeably to mean "older than last year", "older than me", or "I think it might be kinda old". You rarely see it used when something is obviously and truly old. The solution is don't use it unless you are discussing wine, and be wary of those who do. Sorry abut the rant. Thanks Bruce
  19. It happens. I paid 20 bucks for a bunch of mibs at a yard sale mostly because I had been goin' thru a dry spell and just needed some to pick thru and hey there's always a good one in every jar, right? Wrong, all newer or common. But the jar is worth around 50 bucks (a 3 L Ball mason) so It's all good. Thanks Bruce
  20. Might just be a "no" vote. The white ones were "yes". Thanks Bruce
  21. The little dish you are using to photograph your mibs in appears to be Ox as well. What is it? thanks Bruce
  22. I posted this pic about 6 months ago. This was posted by someone (don't know who) when I first asked about them many years ago. They seem to be mostly out of the antique stores and in the secondary market. A friend of mine has some, I pointed out that they were fakes, He don't care he likes 'em anyway. Thanks Bruce
  23. My favorite pawn shop is going out of business. Went in for the end of phase 1 of the sale. We got a few items, among them some glass odd and ends: A couple of strain insulators with the one lone Mib to show up so far. An old Perfume (I think) appears to be amethyst glass but may be a little too red- It takes a pretty bright light to see through it. And a bunny with evil red eyes. I keep going back and forth whether it's slag or not. My 1st impression was slag but it seems a little too well organized. anyway her they are. Thanks Bruce
  24. I tried to start something similar to the second game several months ago and met with a pretty tepid response. I expect we could come up with some rules/guidelines and try again. Thanks Bruce
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