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Everything posted by Berryb

  1. Kinda looks like beach glass because of the uniform matte finish. Thanks Bruce
  2. A couple of very clean ones. Thanks Bruce
  3. A blue raven "N" if turned on it's side it could be a "Z" thanks Bruce
  4. Jumpin' the gun on Akro Friday, but I thought I'd show some Ox corks. I know some are pretty beat, and most of you have seen the Limey in the first pic, but I never miss a chance to show it off. Thanks Bruce
  5. Nice pile; some rainbos, tiger eyes, a couple of cross thru cats eyes, aside from the ones you named. congrats. thanks Bruce
  6. Will work on a backlit photo, but the base glass is crystal clear (popeye patch) and bubbly (pelt). Thanks Bruce
  7. OK the score stands at 2 for vitro and 2 for pelt. 0 for popeye patch. At first I thought pelt, but because of the wispy white I went with popeye patch. I guess my pelt designation can be the tie breaker, unless someone else chimes in with another vitro ID, or something else altogether. Thanks Bruce
  8. Alley huh, oops. I've called it a CAC for years. Guess I'll move it. I am a little reluctant to post in threads about specific makers for just that reason, maybe I should be more reluctant in the future. Thanks Bruce
  9. I can't decide. it looks like a rainbo except for the white wisps. Thanks Bruce
  10. They useta qualify as flames but they may not have enough fingers anymore. thanks Bruce
  11. OK, sorry I blew up. I went in and actually had it in hand. The mib went from an interesting german handmade to a rather ho hum contemporary. Thanks Bruce
  12. I realize now that posting on this thread was a mistake. The only similarity is the raggedy surface pattern. So I'll try again. Does a handmade, transparent green, coreless, with raggedy orange surface stripes ring a bell with anyone. It's somewhere between an inch and an inch and a half. It's not being passed off as anything special. It may not even be for sale. Thanks Bruce
  13. You'll have to forgive me for resurrecting such an old post. On Wednesday I hope to be looking closer at a similar mib, sorta similar anyway. It's transparent green with orange lightning bolts on it. Anybody ever heard of any color but white? I have not held it in hand, don't even know if it's for sale. Anybody have any thoughts? Thanks Bruce
  14. Try rolling a tube out of a paper towel. one staple between each mib, no muss no fuss. Thanks Bruce
  15. It's probably a darning egg. the small ones were for the fingers of ladies gloves. Thanks Bruce
  16. I'm with Akroorka, I do most of my collecting at yard sales and junk stores. As a result I have a collection of collections, that way I don't get skunked near as often. The most I ever paid for an individual marble is 20 bucks. I was bored and had the money (a deadly combination). A pic of my expensive mib lurks below and hangs upside down. Thanks Bruce
  17. I have off-loaded about 10 gallons over the years, and I wish I had 'em all back. Thanks Bruce
  18. Just got a Quik bag for Christmas, but mine has cat(s) eyes in it. Thanks Bruce
  19. I watched it twice today. Excellent as usual. Thanks Bruce
  20. One of my favorites; a big ol' green auger. Thanks Bruce
  21. Ron's pile of CACs is a pretty tough act to follow, so I thought I would show the other end of the spectrum. This may be the drab-est mib they ever made. It's a striped opaque with very little stripe, and kind of a dull finish, otherwise flawless though. Thanks Bruce
  22. Sunday is "Sunday Best" nice Mibs but low traffic. Thanks Bruce
  23. I can take a stab at the ones in your hand Top row L) Alley Agate swirl R) Akro prize name (corkscrew) Middle row L) Akro corkscrew (possible Popeye) R) Alley Agate superman. bottom) maybe another superman But prob'ly Alley.. Any of these may prove to be wrong with more views. Thanks Bruce
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