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Everything posted by Berryb

  1. Here's the deal. an antique dealer in Ft. Benton Mt. bought a collection in New Mexico. Before he bought it (about 10 years ago) each marble was graded, priced at full retail, and bagged. There are both hand mades and machine mades. The current owner added up all the prices and cut the price for the collection to a bit less than half. A nice round 11k. There are also some go withs: some Akro ware, a bag, a box, a couple of spring loaded shooters, etc. all in all a nice little collection. He only wants to sell it as a collection. It was a little rich for me, but my whole collection is from flea markets and yard sales, so anything over a couple of bucks is too rich for me. He also has several other Mibs that he will sell individually. If anyone is interested you can call him... Robert Milford McGraw Antiques 406-788-0876 He also just bought a collection from Texas that should be in the mail soon. Thanks Bruce
  2. I have heard that the guy at Akro stole the formula from MFC, or defected and brought the formula with him. That may be scrambled carp too. Not sure what the truth is. Thanks Bruce
  3. Kinda' looks like a pelt to me, but..... The base is pretty colorless, the background is making it seem tinted. Thanks Bruce
  4. Some things make me say yes. Some things make me say no. I'm not familiar enough to make a final call. I'm pretty sure it's MK though. Thanks Bruce
  5. Some people call blends separate colors, some don't. I'd call 'em prize names, others may count 3 colors. Thanks Bruce
  6. It's tough to put descriptions into words. My go to for Alleys is "venetian blind" not on all, but some, never saw it on anything else. Can't describe it any better, won't photograph ( I should try again). Thanks for the help Bruce
  7. I got no problem with an Alley ID, but what do you see that makes you think that? I gotta learn this stuff or Steph's gonna bust me back to "rank beginner". Thanks Bruce
  8. Is this a ravenswood? I thought I found it in Alan's tutorial, close but no seegar. I can't find anything else. Maybe Veliglas? Anyhoo I'm stumped. Thanks Bruce
  9. Berryb

    slag sorta

    I the 2nd pic you can see the clear blue stripe with the ox right down the middle. Thanks Bruce
  10. Berryb

    slag sorta

    I tried re-taking the photos in sunlight. Not as sharp but the color is better. Possibly a bit bluer than reality. Thanks Bruce
  11. This one was on the bottom of my jar. I think it's seriously cool. I thought at first it was an overblown slag. Almost all white swirl with only a little of the transparent blue base showing. Close scrutiny shows that where the blue shows there is an Ox tracer. They are visible in the photos, but just barely. Also the blue doesn't show too well in the photos. It's 19/32nds. Any thoughts? Thanks Bruce
  12. Yay twice I have a hotwheels, and I ID'd one right. Thanks Bruce
  13. Most imperials don't rise above "slingshot ammo" for me. But this one is better than most. I think it's an Imperial, anyway Thanks Bruce
  14. I does look like beach glass. If it is and still intact that makes it kind of a rare bird. Thanks Bruce
  15. I found this in one of my jars. I remembered Chad posted a photo of a "hotwheels" some time back. Don't know if this is one or not. Thanks Bruce
  16. They kinda look like the Swedish stone marble that Chris posted yesterday. These appear to be British made judging from the spelling of colored. Thanks Bruce
  17. My dad claimed he never bought a marble, he had to win, or lose, 'em all. Thanks Bruce
  18. A side note; Rape seed is where they get canola oil from. They couldn't seem to find a market for rape seed oil in this country. Thanks Bruce
  19. I like 'em all, but it's hard to beat a good corkscrew. Dug a few pics out of the archives. Thanks Bruce
  20. Is that the "Presidents of the United States of America"? One of my favorite bands. Thanks Bruce
  21. Sorry I meant to say my photos. I don't know how to edit. Thanks Bruce
  22. Thanks for the link (I saved it). Mine is a dead ringer for some in the photos. Nothing left but to re-label the photos. Thanks Bruce
  23. Berryb


    Ok, I'll bite, Whatsa "bullseye"? thanks Bruce
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