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Everything posted by Berryb

  1. Where can I find info on Jabo. Specifically I am looking for info on how many marbles they made per month/year and how were they distributed. I am sure the information is out there but I can't find it. Thanks Bruce
  2. I have a few. There is a hand cut aggie in there. Thanks Bruce
  3. Welcome back Bonnie. I had a stroke a few years ago. My big takeaway from that experience is; I don't want another one. You can get thru it, Marbles help. I had a physical therapist that wanted to see my marble collection. I don't think she was as interested in mibs as she was in seeing me handle them, seems to be good training. So is typing so stay in touch. Thanks Bruce
  4. So I'll post 1 or 2 a week so I don't run out so fast like I did with Akros. Thanks Bruce
  5. So, it can be a slag with more than one color swirled into the base? It looks like a slag and it's a nice mib, but I thought that the multi colors kept it from being a slag. Thaks Bruce
  6. Somethin' says vitro to me. not sure, the colors or the u in the last pic. But I am most often wrong. Thanks Bruce
  7. Watched it. Brilliant as usual. Now I get to go thru my junk jars again (as if I needed an excuse). Stephen also does very good gardening/bird videos. Thanks Bruce
  8. Nice ones Chad. I suppose if I had to focus on one thing to collect it would be Akro. If I had to narrow it even further it would be Akro with OX. But who am I kiddin' that'll never happen. Thanks Bruce
  9. Don't think you'll get too much useful information but it still looks like fun to me. Interesting as well. Thanks Bruce
  10. I like these 2. Both 7/8. Both red, with the slightest amber tint. Kinda beat up, but I still like 'em. Thanks Bruce
  11. Pelt used Ox at times. Used to be If it wasn't MFC or Akro it wasn't Oxblood, but those days are gone. Any body could buy Ox from a glass manufacturer. I believe the difference is MFC and Akro made their own and other marble Co.s had to buy it. Another thing is, some do not consider it Ox unless it is on or near the surface. I do not agree, Ox is glass and can go anywhere on, or in, a mib any other glass can go. But since Ox is more expensive it makes sense to have it on the surface where it can be seen. Discussions (and arguments) about Ox can go long into the night. Thanks Bruce
  12. They all look like Pelt Rainbos to me. thanks Bruce
  13. I have a script Y in an old worn purple slag. Or , if you turn it over it's a lower case H. It's the tracer. And if yer lookin for punctuation I have a period in an opalescent pelt. My avatar can be an apostrophe or a comma. Thanks Bruce
  14. This is my entry into the snotty realm. I think it's an Alley though -it has the venetian blind thing going. Thanks Bruce
  15. I think it's an Alley. On pg 5 of the WV thread there are some pics of similar mibs and the consensus is Alley. Thanks Bruce
  16. top pic two front mibs look like an alley Spruce and an alley w/ox, but I don't see a spruce in any other pics so I could be wrong . Thanks Bruce
  17. Not a Sunburst? Thanks Bruce
  18. Thanks Joep. It was the Dutch that were the first to recognize the U.S. as an independent nation. When an American ship entered a Dutch port in the Caribbean flying the flag of the continental congress the Dutch cannons fired the first salute. Thanks
  19. Is Blenko clearly marked? I may have some and not know it. I searched the web site and found nothing. Thanks Bruce
  20. Can you define Blenko? Is it a brand name or a name for a style, or a name for a type of glass? Thanks Bruce
  21. All pretty common but I like 'em. I don't know a special name unless they are patterned clays. No idea other than that. Thanks Bruce
  22. my niece's husband is colorblind totally. he sees everything in black and white. For his birthday this year a whole bunch went together and got him some glasses that allow him to see color. It all worked very well but the real show stopper was on monday when he was on his way to work. He had to stop and call his wife because he had never seen a sunrise before. Thanks Bruce
  23. My idea of a sunset is clear with transparent or translucent ribbons. yours have opaque ribbons. I like 'em better, but that's just me. Thanks Bruce
  24. Berryb


    I thought the pattern on an MCR was more random. Thanks Bruce
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