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Everything posted by Berryb

  1. A little caution is required here. Akro has gotten to be a generic term for slag glass. While Akro made lots of items they did not make all of them. There is also the added problem that they did not mark all of the items they made. Here are some pics of some slag items I have. The only one marked is the pitcher and that is made by Imperial Glass. I am pretty sure the yellow pot was made by Akro, but it is unmarked. I used to think the ashtrays were Akro because of the Oxblood, but have since learned they could be from anywhere. The little blue boat is from Japan. You could make a nice collection of slag glass things, but if you want to specialize in Akro you need to learn to identify it just like marbles.
  2. I lean toward just using the company names for stuff and avoiding collector names where possible. I realize that it is not possible most times because of the many names that are widely accepted that have come down from kids and early collectors. Cub scout for example; some say that term only applies to blue and yellow Pelts, some say only blue and yellow MKs. actually the term should apply to neither, a cub scout uniform is dark blue, nearly navy with gold. Then there are the company names that are troublesome, like "cornelian" or my favorite "cerise". One look at the crayon box will tell you that cerise is a kind of hot pink, close to fuchsia, but the marbles sold with the cerise name are deep red. I guess this is a round about way of saying; don't add to the noise. My prime recent example is the attempt to give every color combo of Heaton swirl a separate name. While I'm sure it's fun, I don't think that it is helpful now and could be confusing or even start arguments in the future. Try to stick with existing terms, try to fit mibs into existing terms, and add new terms sparingly. I just re-read this rambling screed and nearly deleted it, but typing is a chore for me and maybe there is something here to get someone wound up, so I'll post it. Thanks Bruce
  3. Berryb

    Few more

    I agree with Steph except The game marble is a possible flintie. I have one that exact color. Also Marble Alan has an example that color. Thanks Bruce
  4. Berryb

    Marble ID

    The first 2 look like Pelt Rainbos, the third one I don't know. Thanks Bruce
  5. Berryb

    ID needed

    The red one is not an Auger. I expect Steph's assessment is correct. I lean more to slag, but slags usually have more on the surface. I have a couple that the white is mostly on the inside though. Thanks Bruce
  6. Berryb

    ID needed

    The first 3 are akro prize names. the last one may be an auger cork but it's hard to tell. Thanks Bruce
  7. I love trades. I wouldn't have traded Bronco Nagurski or Crazy Legs Hirsch for 'em but they look ok. and they seem to be in pretty good shape. Thanks Bruce
  8. Ok. What's drizzle? I've run into the term a few times in the last couple of weeks and I thought I could figure it out. I tried looking it up, and now I'm askin'. Thanks Bruce
  9. So a more likely scenario is; a marble machine operator came with the machines from Peltier, or, Kokomo sent people to train at Pelt before the machines were sent, or both. It seems to me that a basic slag or swirl type would be the simplest and anything else would take more thought. How the colors come together would happen in the feeding/shearing process and not the marble machine step. (this from someone who has never made a marble, or even seen one being made). All this is a long winded way to say that the similarity of Kokomos to Pelt Rainbos is more likely because of personnel and not equipment. Thanks Bruce
  10. I have these too: a beat up german handmade (not sure what it's called) and a tiger eye (I think) jammed into a galvanized iron pipe cap. thanks Bruce
  11. I have several I cant seem to throw away. I guess I keep 'em in the hope that the marble fairies will show up and work their magic. more to come. Thanks Bruce
  12. Alley never sold these? they are only dug up at the factory? Thanks Bruce
  13. Berryb

    grey glass

    So Pelt they are. I had it in my head that Kokomos looked like drab Rainbos, but I just found the Kokomo thread in "Steph's study hall" and found that drab is not the case. Another thing I discovered is that the chances of finding a Kokomo in NW Montana are pretty slim. Thanks Bruce
  14. Berryb

    grey glass

    The base is kind of a grey brown, mostly grey but a bit brown. Thanks Bruce
  15. I read the thread about "angels" and other Pelt grey glass, which then morphed into a discussion about Kokomo. I was more confused after the second reading than I was when I started (I should know better by now). Anyway I pulled out a few grey base mibs and had them in hand, but nothing really matched, 'til I got to these and Kokomo. These two mibs are identical in color. The larger one is 29/32nds. The small one is opalescent, I expect the big one would be as well but it is too large for the light to come through. The small one has a Rainbo like structure, you have to look pretty close to see seams on the larger one. I could go on with clues but.... do you think these could be Kokomos? Thanks Bruce
  16. Commies (short for common, not communist). They are fairly old, but not much value, mostly because of the lack of eye appeal. I don't think they were very good to play with because they are so light. But they did get used as you can see from the paint/glaze chipping off on some. The red egg shaped one in the last photo may be a darning egg. Thanks Bruce
  17. Doesn't look like a pontil to me. I assume CAC made clearies but it is beyond my meager talents to identify any maker. I suppose the best way would be to find a CAC peach slag (I have never seen one) and compare colors but even that could be indecisive. In the meantime I would put it in the jar in the window with the rest of my clearies. Thanks Bruce
  18. My guess is L-vacor, R - rainbo, But my IDing skills are suspect at best. Thanks Bruce
  19. The ox on the mib I posted looks like Akro or MFC oxblood- streaky with black wisps, not "poxblood" I have some of that too. Thanks Bruce
  20. This is probably a pelt and it is kinda odd. It also may be the first mib I bought after I considered myself a collector. I bought a beer flat at a yard sale that was full of WV swirls before that but in retrospect they were pretty uninteresting, all the same size-small, all identical, just 4 or 5 different colors. Anyway I went into an antique shop in Spokane and asked for marbles. He had this one for 5 bucks. That was 30 years ago. The guy said he had some more but he had to dig em out so I went back the next day and bought the box that would kick start the collection. But this 7/8 rainbo is my first real mib. Not in great shape but big and it has a stripe of ox runnin' thru it. Thanks Bruce
  21. Whatever it is, I like it. thanks Bruce
  22. Try using somethin' like this. This one is made for a brace but you get the idea. They make a round one as well, which is what I would try if I was gonna make a game board. Thanks Bruce
  23. Not cedar, Looks like cherry, possibly maple. Yer right, Pine is tough to work with, at least for drillin' dimples. Hard wood, sharp bits and a drill press are needed. Even with a template you should put in pilot holes with an awl first and then a small bit. I've tried to do stuff like this freehand and it ends up lookin' like I did it with my teeth. Thanks Bruce
  24. Diggin through my stuff the other day and found this Chinese Checker board. Kind of a nice one, looks to be cherry. Thanks Bruce
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