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Everything posted by Berryb

  1. Berryb


    I knew it was pelt. My question is about rainbo vs. NLR. thanks Bruce
  2. I have this one with the Rainbos. Bright orange on an opaque grey/blue base. 5/8ths. The more I look at it the more I like it. But I'm not sure what to call it. Thanks Bruce
  3. Or maybe somthin' else. It was with the Pelts but I looked again, HMMMMM. So I put it with CACs but that's not quite right either. The photo does not do the colors justice. The orange is alot brighter. The base is dark transparent amber. The orange is all at or just below the surface. 19/32nds. Thanks Bruce
  4. Berryb


    This one has 6 ribbons, does that make it an NLR? It's built like a rainbo though. 19/32nds. The base is transparent amber, maybe slightly greenish with some bubbles. Thanks Bruce
  5. I keep ones and fives in one pocket and tens and twenties in the other. Thanks Bruce
  6. Are the glass panels melted marbles? The box itself appears to be dark stained oak (I could be wrong), made to look old but not, the hinges could be set better, all in all pretty good but not great. Do the panels show on the inside? If so you could put a light inside and it might be pretty cool. I am trying to translate 30 euro, about 40-45 bucks, a bit steep but not outrageous. It depends on how well you like it. Keep in mind this is all speculation from a few photos, but that's what I think anyway. Thanks Bruce
  7. Ok; I'll bite. whatsa figure 8 and who made them? thanks Bruce
  8. I like the beer part. My big problem is too few marbles and too many beers. You can tell I suffer greatly. Thanks Bruce
  9. Chad; here are some more pics. 19/32nds. colors- solid white, wispy white, coral, under surface ox, and pea soup green, in a clear base. Thanks Bruce Sorry Gina for hijacking your thread
  10. I think this is a Popeye patch. It's my only one. If it turns out not to be a Popeye, then I have zero. I think they are harder to find than Popeye corks. This one has a pea soup green that is not too common. thanks Bruce
  11. Very Hard To Find; It's all relative I have mibs that I was told are VHTF but I have a dozen. Thanks Bruce
  12. Yard sales and junk stores. If I can't hold them in my hand I don't want them. Of course the accumulation is much slower, but that's not entirely a bad thing. thanks Bruce
  13. I'd have given 5 bucks for it in a heartbeat. Lotsa keepers in there. Can't tell about condition, but even if most are beat up, still worth 5 bucks. Thanks Bruce
  14. And then there is the good ol' Alley "Spruce" . Hard to believe that I almost left it off of my "10 coolest" list because I had just found out it was an Alley. Times, and tastes, change. Sadly it persists in loading upside down, as cool as it is, it does not defy gravity. Thanks Bruce
  15. When you say "newer" how new do you mean? Thanks Bruce
  16. Ric; I guess we should just bump your thread. Nice Thanks Bruce
  17. how bout a green brick that actually has a corner in it? and the some others. The rainbo won't come out of the pipe without wreckin' it Thanks Bruce
  18. I always was a little ho-hum about about alleys but I was goin' thru a junk jar today and found some. I started lookin' at them a little closer. Then I dug some out of my display and looked closer. Hey these are pretty nice. So I took their photo to show off. Caveat- they may not be all Alleys but that's what I'm callin' them. Anybody else got some to show off? Let's see 'em. Thanks Bruce
  19. Is that a Foreigner reference? Bruce
  20. Congrats on retirement. If you're anything like me It should take 4 or 5 minutes to get used to. Bruce
  21. My avatar is kinda like those. Thanks Bruce
  22. Berryb

    Pelts? 3

    The black is really kind of dark grey-blue. Thanks Bruce
  23. Berryb

    Pelts? 3

    So are these Pelts too? I wanna post them in one of the pelt threads but I gotta be sure first. They're both 5/8ths. Thanks Bruce
  24. The one between 38&39 looks like a CAC to me. Thanks Bruce
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