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Everything posted by Greeneyesgreenthumbs

  1. I have these i thought were Heaton but they resemble the middle ones in your top pic. But i think mine are Heaton
  2. Ok bought ne a marble lot in ebay and the seller was super nice. Included in the package were five marbles in a separate bag labeled as “Thank You Here Are Some Master Made Marbles Extra” while im positive the other 4 are Brushed Patches By Master Marble/made This one stood out and has an electric cobalt blue base and certainly has a tighter or cleaner ribbon construction but i cant make up my mind for certain because the cut lines aren’t opposite to more banding so i can see if its tight or gapped cuts, Ideas? I compared to another one I believe to be CAC and there’s certainly similarities in the ribbons I may be way off here buts thats why im here is to learn. Pardon the poor quality pics this one just doesn’t want to cooperate Thank you
  3. Well Vitros are what I was looking for however I thought they were less busy and had only 6 bands (last two pics for example) where these are 8 or globular sorta with some flip back action in the ribbons?
  4. Hello my friends. I stumbled into a cache of these while trying to find a few Vitro Hybrid types. My first thought was move the imperial aside. But soon a few of these were turned in a way that made me question the Imperial Theory. Anyone have information here on these? Thank you for your expertise and time.
  5. Yep ive hit that hole enough to ruin a good tire. Drives me crazy trying go get them figured out. Thank you everyone for your responses and compliments. The Tubes i bought on Amazon they weren’t much. Theses are glass i bought 30 for 17 dollars or so ??? And the shipping foam has marble didplay potential see pic I wanted a sun catcher to put in my kitchen widow im hoping this will be bright enough im afraid multiple rows of marbles will darken the light i may just do one row of them and put colored oils or water in a few to. thank yall for the compliments ill start a thread soon so we can all show and tell plus get new ideas for some great displays. I have one display i did with shush kabobs its my favorite.
  6. Thank You. I really enjoy creating ways to display or store my pretty marbles. Heres another display im working on. These marbles aren’t anything special just old clearies AND I did find this surprise in the box of clear ones i was sifting. Pic1 cha-ching. so many ways to have fun with marbles. Pic 3 i just finished it
  7. When did Jabo start making marbles? If it was before 1965 then Jabo is a possibility. If they started post 65 then no its not Jabo
  8. There were several others matching these that were fractured so the glass is fracture prone
  9. I got these from a jar purchase they all seem to match base colors except a few look a little lighter or darker any ideas on ID? Thank you
  10. This appears to be an old hand made Akro Agate but im unsure any input is appreciated thank you!
  11. Thanks for the replies. While i do like having rare marbles that ooze awesomeness, I just collect what appeals to my eye and seems to fit within whats me, mfg isn’t the most important of criteria. I gravitate towards Aqua Swirl types and Slags of all flavors. Again everyone thank you for your time and input. Happy thoughts!
  12. I appreciate the reply. Heaton? Hmm I didnt think to look into that. I acquired several marbles and pretty much all the group consisted of was CAC’s Akro and Alley Agates. The one im thinking may be a layered sand was in this group. Here are the others it came bundled with. I see it as a clue to its identity.
  13. Im selling a few marbles but i need to know for sure the types of marbles so I can accurately describe them. I appreciate the input! Ok the first marble I hope, is a CAC Layered Sand? measures 25/32” inches (Fingers Crossed) marble 2 is a mystery measures 5/8 inches. Now to me it sort of looks like a Peltier opalescent base ? thanks for y’alls time and help!
  14. Yes they’re old i cant get into newer marbles nostalgia is important to me. Some newer marbles are made to resemble old ones which bothers me. I mean, why do that? I like creative products (marbles) given to life thru motivation and pride. Rarely does that formula lead to look’a like results. But anything’s possible. thanks y’all for the comments theres a lot here to chew on. MK does seem viable for the one not sure on the crispness of their seems I’ll need to look into that. Plus theres a road and tunnel, so far ive not seen that on a MK seems it’d be rare since they did so much laminate
  15. This is the second marble. Akro maybe? Then pictures 4,5,6 i found a few hours ago was having some good luck,finding some nice ones. but then I had to break it off, my knees gave out lol.
  16. Thats a nice Alley Ive found several mfg’s solids for every 50 or so Gone through theres 1 that appeals to my eye. I love ones busy with two shades of the same color. maybe these pics will give you a better idea of the maker. TheJagged cut lines have me thinking this one is a CAC
  17. Thank you everyone for your time and responses. I really do appreciate the teaching moments everyone shares. Your efforts arent wasted I absorb everything. To me the second marble has CAC features. Both of these were members of the “gaming marbles” abyss Ive accumulated during my marble hunts. Im going to start thumbing thru more of these maybe I’ll find a few overlooked jewels.
  18. Sorry the pics have so much glare it’s impossible to get a great pic without some at least for me! Thank you for yalls time
  19. Ive seen similar colors in exotic conquerers but none with popping precision of tbe lines line these. So any ideas?
  20. I unwrapped these 5 beauties the other day. I’m almost sure pics 1-3.(4 Marbles) are all the same mfg whom ever that may be. The dull colors with the grainy coloring going into the cutoff lines makes me think these are Master Made Marbles possibly Vitro Agates. The last one pictured 4-7 is a clear base with a red tinge to about 1/4 the inside is grainy with a twist resembling a cats eye that didn’t spread out all the filament is on one side somewhat like a Cobra. If anyone knows what these specific patterns are I would appreciate it so I can compare my thoughts on these with yours. I appreciate everyone’s time and effort. I’ve exhausted the internet search engine method of identifying these thru pictures and encyclopedias. To be honest the more I look the further I drift into confusion, subsequently everything starts looking like an Akro Agate or a Peltier. Thanks everyone!!!
  21. Is there an inside joke on this board about Jabo marbles? I’ve read a few replies on other topics where Jabo marbles Created a sense of “dang it” I used to experience when my mother tried to feed us Kiesh for breakfast.
  22. Is the deformation on the Pontil common? Do these types of manufacturing defects devalue or add to the value of a marble? Thanks
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