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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. Hi Ric! Thank you for wishing that for me! I just took some pictures in sun different back round! it looks like this mib pic's up colors from where it is placed so here are clear pictures and ba bam it's looks Vitro! Thank you again Ric
  2. Soooo! your the reason I can't find any of these!! LOL ! they are so pretty!
  3. Very cool Art ! Love that kind of stuff! It sure does look like it was used for a specific purpose ! Thank you so much for sharing
  4. O.K. give me a few minutes! Thank you
  5. Wow this is all so interesting!! Thank you all, much apricated!! lol some how I keep getting stuck with the odd-balls ! but I like them all so far!!
  6. More pictures! only green glass is UV active
  7. Thank you! would more pictures help?
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