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Everything posted by IeatSOUND

  1. My calipers are going kinda nutty from an almost dead battery but this mib comes in at 35/64ths of an inch... I think. I can barely read the screen and like I said, it's being pretty wonky right now so I can't attest to it's accuracy.
  2. Well my battery in my caliper is just about dead, so I dunno just how accurate it's gonna be. Seems reasonably on point though reading this mib at 9/16ths of an inch.
  3. I have two more just like this one only in a blue/gold color combo. Again.. Sorry about the shoddy pictures. I really should get around to taking updated pics with my new phone.
  4. I gotta dig out my calipers and then I'll let y'all know the size. Thanks for the help thus far though! 😀
  5. Right on. Thanks for the help! Pretty much confirmed what I was thinking already... Except for the last one. I had no clue about that one. 😀
  6. I think I'm gonna go with multiple topics with several mibs in each one. Seems like the best compromise. Better than flooding the forum with one marble posts or making just one exhaustingly (that's a word, right? My phone doesn't think it is. Oh well, it should be one if it isn't. Heh. ) long post.
  7. I've got quite a few mibs that I could use some help identifying.. Should I post them all in one topic, several topics with a handful of mibs in each one or each mib in it's own topic..? Here's one to start.. Sorry for the image quality. These were taken with my older cell phone camera. If need be I can take better pictures of them. Just lemme know if it'd help. I like the drizzle on this marble. 😃
  8. Yeah, I try to avoid boredom as much as possible. When I get bored, I tend to get myself into trouble some way or another. Lol.
  9. Hello all, I'm Dustin. Long time lurker finally getting around to registering an account. Nice to meet y'all. I've been collecting marbles for a few years, so I'm not a complete novice.. but there's still so much more to learn. Other things I collect besides marbles include vintage film cameras, decks of playing cards, fountain pens, dip pens and nibs, musical instruments, video game consoles, pocket watches as well as rocks/minerals. My hobbies/interests cover a pretty wide gamut but currently I spend a lot of time woodworking, making hand turned pens.. luthery (is that the right word?) building guitars and ukuleles.. and painting or calligraphy. I run a mobile pc repair company out of home usually but thanks to this pandemic garbage and social distancing I had to shut down shop. Hopefully I'll be able to resume business again sometime sooner than later. In the meantime though, I find myself with a lot of spare time. Heh. Anyways, that's me in a nutshell. Sorry for the long read.. I have a tendency to ramble at times.
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