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Everything posted by IeatSOUND

  1. This one has seen quite a lot of action.. It's pretty dinged up, unfortunately.
  2. Will update with sizes once I find my calipers. They're all pretty much the same size, typical shooters.. This one glows like crazy under UV.
  3. That felt awkward even typing that... Lol. Kidding, of course. 😜 Anyways, these range from 0.591" to 0.625". The white glass in the blue one and the green one has a definite pink-ish hue to it. Thanks for looking!
  4. There's four of them here.. All the same type of marble. Very minor differences to be expected of course. They come in at right around 5/8" ± a few thou.
  5. I thought so! Thanks for the confirmation! Appreciate ya takin' the time to look and comment!
  6. Thanks for the confirmation! I really like these mibs. Some of them are quite stunning IMO.
  7. Here's a group shot of them.
  8. IeatSOUND


    Really nice looking marbles.. Had some fun taking backlit pics of them.
  9. Here's some backlit pics of it I took last night.
  10. Are you saying you're interested in this marble?
  11. That's what I figured. Thanks for the reply!
  12. Pretty dinged up and comes in at 0.621"...
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