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Everything posted by William

  1. For that many pieces, not only a score but a steal! Great grab 😊👍
  2. William


    Definitely a one of a kind Cat. This one took a little bit of the litter box with it 😊
  3. The 3rd one might be a caged cat, and the middle one is a tough guess this morning, maybe Vitro? The 1st one, I find that one interesting. It looks like a Cat's eye with a nice amber base glass. Maybe some more shots, individually? I like that one 😊
  4. Is that rare or just an error? 😐
  5. Yeah, now being sold by "peltseeker", not chocomibs. What a joke.
  6. That's cool...I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida...right up the coast from Cape Canaveral. I've seen a launch or two, quite the site too behold.
  7. Your more than likely to catch sharks fishing in the dark, not the intended guppies...
  8. Pretty sad. On way to many levels.
  9. Nice groups! I've been collecting vintage lures for some time now while out treasure hunting...I've got at least 4 large tackle boxes full. Definitely fun!
  10. Looks like a little army of well disciplined soldiers 👍😁
  11. Couple nice mibs...the Alley, see that fleabite in the white base? Looks like a little face when blown up 😬
  12. Almost forgot the Big News. We were informed that the last day for softball and baseball bat production will be April 3rd.
  13. We manufacturer both one and 2 piece bats. What I mean by that is...one piece is your conventional bat that everyone is familiar with. These are constructed of a combination of composite and kevlar weaves which are molded around a metal mandrel. Each press has a mold with 3 cavities. They all operate on 8 minute cycles. During the first 3 minutes of this molding process, a liquid resin is "shot" into the press. At the end of the cycle, the bats are taken from the presses over to the "puller", where the bat shell is pulled off the metal mandrel after a few minutes of cooling. If the are pulled to quickly, you'll have a squished barrel because the shell was still too soft. After pulling, they are loaded up in carts and taken to the surface prep department for sanding. You can stay pretty busy when all three presses are running simultaneously. Ones always either opening or closing. We have only ran 3 presses for some time now, but back in the heyday, we operated with 6 presses. Imagine 2 guys running all 6 at once. You had to have spot on timing always. 2 piece bats came into the mix maybe 8 years ago or so. They consist of a carbon fiber barrel with a handle that is glued to it separately. The composite layers are rolled onto smaller metal mandrels, then wrapped in both poly and nylon tapes. After this, they are baked for 3 hours. After that they are also pulled and sent for sanding. The handle is added to the barrel after sanding is completed and before arriving in finishing. I've always preferred the single piece bats myself. Just love the flex technology involved with the contact area, or "sweet spot" of the barrel. If anyone ever watched a video of a Miken bat hitting a softball in extreme slow motion, you can actually see the barrel BEND inwards at the point of contact. I'm by no means an athlete but when I was playing softball tournaments in my mid 40's, I was hitting home runs! Not the easiest thing to do especially since I only played one weekend a year! I quit when I could run that good anymore (smoking wasn't helping matters either!) My all time favorite Miken bat was the Intensit-E. Old school bats like that and the original Ultra 2 sell for big bucks. The Maniac series was pretty good too.
  14. Page 2 on this thread you'll spot that vendors setup...he is set up in at least 15 locations in the tri state area...
  15. Just grabbed what I could afford at the moment with the days leftover cash...the guy I pick this stuff up from has got alot more good stuff...wondering if I don't have a few pics of his display in this thread? Gonna look quick...
  16. A few fossilized teeth I picked up with some leftover marble money 😊
  17. I'll try to grab some pics at a later date. 👍
  18. Simply awesome. Same here...snag!
  19. Obsidian? That's a pretty big hunk! Your grandfather being involved in everything that you spoke of, that's just incredible! That tooth display, are those Megalodon teeth? What's the length and depth?
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