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Posts posted by catfish

  1. Well, if the first swirl was debunked, then I would like to see reason to keep these in the Peltier "swirl" pile. I don't believe these swirls date that far back, but cannot prove it personally. Lumping marbles into the Pelt column because they contain aventurine doesn't seem plausible. Many swirl manufacturers as well as Master, Akro, and Vitro had aventurine. I just don't see how Peltier fits. Not arguing, and you are free to keep them where ever. Just my thoughts after a couple dozen years of collecting. I open to new info all the time.

  2. If you are saying "huh" to my post, let me explain......the books are full of mis-info, especially the older ones. And you can only do so much with a photo. Handling marbles and marble shows is a way better learning tool for me. Your mileage may vary, and I am sure it does. If books blow your skirt up, thats cool by me.

  3. Jabo! well damnitman

    Tell us about the Jabo Silver Ox?

    Intentional non intentional is moot point and smoke screen talk in my opinion.

    Heres my feeling on these kinds of marbles.

    We should already know more about them.

    Weather its a handful, a quart, a bucket, a box, there are marble collectors standing right there. When it spits out Two its not only worth mentioning to fellow collectors its the right thing to do.

    Theses marbles will complicate I.D.ing as all marbles before them have done.

    The makers know long before these questions come up, over e-bay marbles or on the board that, a particular batch of marbles is going to cause Xtra confusion.

    Weather for profit or for the marble they belong to the owners and I guess they owe me no info on watch out fors

    but I would think more of them if that is where I got my info.


    Well, said David. Hopefully all the investors start opening up a little. You'd think they were working for the CIA the way some of them clam up.

  4. Well I have around 50 Brass or Bronze lizards so, ummm where was I going with this? Oh yeah I have around 50 or so lizar... nope that's not it? Ah screw it....

    I can live with Parrot lizard. Or music Lizard. Whoever musicnmib$ is has a great eye for marbles, and is almost as anal as I am when it comes to the grading and measuring of marbles. As well as a valued customer.

    I'd actually like to see a group photo of said lizards. Cool collection now that I think about it.

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