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Everything posted by marblenewbie

  1. Thanks guys I always struggle with Patches like these.
  2. Here we go with patches again. On right maybe Vitro with brushed patch and a V in the transparent glass at .61, really no clue. Middle with patch over translucent cobalt glass at .59. Not sure its cobalt as it doesn't seem dark enough. Left has transparent glass has an orange streak that doesn't seem to belong, .62. Akro or Vitro on these? I seem to have more questions than answers on these type of mibs.
  3. On the right of the 1st three I see Pelt type details but not sure at .60. Middle is WVS imo, but is it Alley? Looks like Heaton Swirls at .60. No clue on left at .53. Could the Toe Breaker at 1.36 be Alley? Did they make them that size?
  4. Thanks guys, I have a hard time with Oxblood.
  5. On the right at .63 I believe is an MK maybe girl scout. The middle is a patch but not sure who made at .60. Left I believe is an Akro patch at .63. I still have a very hard time with patches other than Vitro Conquerors and Victories.
  6. My guess is CAC or Alley. .80/.81 Oxblood?
  7. I'll second Dave's post. Thanks
  8. This is an ebay listing going off soon. Does this appear to be what it is listed as? I don't have anything like this and it is interesting to me.
  9. Thanks everyone Peltier collection gets three more. Heaton's will have to wait another day.
  10. I was convince that left mib was Heaton so I didn't even look for cut line, so here's two pics as I ow see it. Middle two pics may show cut line but it is beyond me. Right Mib better pics buy it was pretty obvious I thought even though the pics could have been better. Thanks for the feed back everyone.
  11. Best pics I could get except for the greens and blues are lighter. My guess is WVS with both at .63.
  12. Thinking Heaton on the left at .61. Middle has some Pelt Characteristics, but don't think it is at .62. Don't have much experience with Heaton but could it be. Pelt Rainbo I believe at .66, but it is so pristine that it has me wondering.
  13. Thanks guys, got my hopes up again. 😪
  14. Yep, about as clear as my head. All jumbled up with marbles dancing.
  15. Not enamored with these, but have picked up quite a few and want to put them to bed or in my donation pile. Marble King on the left and either MK or Asia for other two. Left to right .61, .63, .60.
  16. I don't have any Jackson Mibs to compare, but this one resembles ones I see in books. Any thoughts?
  17. Thanks Ron, I believe he one on the rleft was made in 1976 and was called Bicentennial.
  18. Here's the best I can do with my I Phone. Hope it helps.
  19. I can't seem to get a better pic. on the left one to show the cut lines. I'll just mark it as a possibility. I love the colors on the right one but was afraid it might be Jabo. Not that Jabo is bad as I am getting quite a collection of them and like them. The one in the middle is some kind of a patch but can't quite get it. Thanks for the help.
  20. From left to right I'm thinking Champion Centennial at .63. Middle at .60 thinking Jabo but hoping for something else. On right I still have trouble with patch or helmet, Vitro or Akro ..66/.67.
  21. Thanks everyone for verifying. I guess no one thinks the shooter is a champion, so I'll put it with the Foreign's not known
  22. Only two photos unless someone sees a need for more. Lots of butt cracks and colors. I saw a post this of a smaller mib that looked just like this one that Ron called a Champion. Didn't know they made this size or is this something else. 1.66"
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