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Everything posted by marblenewbie

  1. Keep seeing posts about old bags of marbles. Been looking but never seem to find any until now. Found these up for purchase but have no idea how much should be paid as the marbles in two of them are not much. Coca Cola bag is more interesting. Somehow the bag seems to put a lot of punch in the price. Anyone that can give me some guidelines would be appreciated.
  2. Wow, what a beauty. 21 bids and 5 days left!!!
  3. They really look great! I have always liked them and have had quite a few for awhile. At least that's what I think they are. Wish my camera work was better, but the best I can do with an iphone.
  4. Thanks guys I know this one is hard but the photos seem to be the best I can do. I will try again though.
  5. Think it is CAC. but could be Akro or Pelt???? .62. Follow up with better photos, I hope
  6. Think it is CAC. but could be Akro or Pelt???? .62
  7. Thanks Chad. Can I name the Pelts when I put them to bed?
  8. sorry hit wrong button. On right size is .64 two more pics
  9. Hoping the one on the left is some kind of weird Pelt at .62. Under light you can see clear threw it and it appears to have loads of AV. Middle one is translucent swirl of some kind at .60. On the right is transparent with lots of bubbles and what I think are cut lines, no clue. Need help on these for sure.
  10. Fun Stuff! Here are a few that fit this category that I found this weekend. The cups have Storks and Peacocks.
  11. Thanks William. Anyway to denote manufacturer?
  12. Left to right .56 .70 .64
  13. Not much for ID'ing slags. Got quite a few in my last hunt, so I guess I better start learning. Any help or advice appreciated!
  14. Thanks guys, I ended up with about a dozen of them in my latest journeys to the wild.
  15. Looks to me like Vacor swirls bright and shiny. Glass doesn't look old. On one looks a little like a Jabo, but don't think so.
  16. After looking at Tommy's find I'm almost embarrassed to post this one. But it has a few good Corks, Pelts, Germans and WVS. I like the yellow and blue ones on the left middle but can't figure them out.
  17. Clear, transparent and lots of bubbles. 1st photo shows a pontil or a hit, not sure which. Small veins/strands on one side, fatter ones on the other. CATs eye for sure, but did a certain company make these and is there any value over regular Cats Eyes. Hard to get right lighting
  18. Sorry, I forgot again. It is .76/.78. Thanks a bunch guys.
  19. This old German swirl has six thin strands of pink, green and white and seems to have a core of thin white strands that go pole to pole. Doesn't look like a solid core, so I'm not sure what to call it. Any ideas?
  20. Thanks akroorka, I have looked at all the sources I can find and still am undecided. No light seems to shine through and these have gotten thrown in with a lot of other put asides for later marbles, so I can't say there were any other colors in the lot. There seems to be quite a glow under a black light but there is no florescence under any kind of light. Probably put them with Vitro for now.
  21. I back lite them with regular flashlight and also witha black light they didn't react. Seems there is no transparency.
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