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Everything posted by marblenewbie

  1. Did something I don't usually do and bought these two online hoping I didn't goof. Sold to me at what I considered a bargain price. The Red one sold as a Peltier 1.42 Jumbo called Planet Mars, which I have never heard of. The other was referred to as a Peltier 1.42 Giant/Jumbo Water and Fire, which again I have never heard of. I really like the marbles but am not sure they are Pelts. Possible oxblood in the red one although I do not remember ox in Pelts? The colors in the third picture reflect it most accurately.
  2. Thanks Cheese. Didn't look like the Jabos I've been seeing, but since they all came to gather I was suspicious
  3. Got all three of these in the same batch, plus two more, so only need one ID I think. All are out of round at .90/.91. I should know these, but it doesn't come to mind.
  4. On the left an Alley or Ravenwood no Ox at .59. In the middle a Vitro Opal Patch at .65? On the right I see an Alley, but does it have any oxblood at .66?
  5. Here are some I picked up lately. Not sure if the yellow shooter is a pelt and the pic is bad.
  6. Striking out again. Thanks guys, I guess the one on the left must be a swirl maybe WV. The one on the right might be vacor. But still beautiful all.
  7. Not sure whether the one on the left is a cork or not. It is opaque and measures .60. The middle one is a Pelt and measures .64. It lights up nicely and in studying it looks like a Ruby Bee??? The one on the right measures .58 and has small swirls and is opaque so it might be WV, but I really have no clue.
  8. Thanks everyone. Been getting some good finds and will post a few more.
  9. They one on the left is a Cork, but is it a Special as was represented. ?? Measures .65. The shooter in the middle I have no idea as it measures .98 and you can peer inside in several places. I has faint ribbons running around it that are tan and blue. It is mint or almost so. The one on the right is a Pelt and looks to be a Red Angel? Measures .61. All three light up inside beautifully and the Pelt has two big bubbles and lots of little ones.
  10. Thanks Dave, there are not any marble shows close to me, but there is a museum in Nebraska that is possible and they seem to have everything including selling. Probably not until next spring though.
  11. Thanks for the insight guys. Experience in others things has taught me to be careful, but I find it is easy to get carried away in something that you love to do.
  12. I watched a sale on ebay that just ended and thought it went for a fairly reasonable price compared to some I've seen lately. I think it went for 236. Like the Jabo one that went for over 200 that was talked about in here the last couple of days. Since I am new to collecting I've been wondering where prices are today compared to two or three years ago. Is the market like the stock market, way over priced, or is it relatively stable? I have been buying mostly in the wild and have gotten some really nice marbles, but that was a lot of hunting for the return. Of course the excitement of a good find can't be sneezed at. But does it make sense to shop on line for quality marbles hoping you don't buy a pig in the poke? In other words buying from someone who is asking top dollar and getting out at the top. I am sure these are question running through any new collectors mind as there is really no price guide to go on for purchasing. Buying what you like is of course the most important thing to a true collector, but there are budgets to consider so you are not burying yourself from lack of information.
  13. Thanks guys, sorry for the late post. Was watching the election and smiling. All these matching ones came from the same source so it probably was gramps bag.
  14. Thanks Dave13, I was thinking that the swirls themselves in 2 and 3 needed to be thinner to be Alleys as most of mine are. living and learning.
  15. Got a bunch last weekend and there were 50 plus that were green in nature. A lot of them that looked to be from the same run by what ever manufacturer. I will post three different groups to see if that seems possible and to try to get a manufacturer on each. Thanks in advance as I know this is cumbersome. The first group of three is translucent and measure .61 to .63. The other two are opaque. The second are out of round measuring .62 to .63 with a beautiful blue base I believe, which I have never seen before. The third measure .63. and have a slightly muddy white base.
  16. The first two pics are most of them. The second two pics are three different batches of ones that I thought could have been from the same manufacturer that were of the same runs. Never had that happen before. Any ideas or should I put them in the ID section
  17. I didn't think so. Glad I am finally learning enough to detect a misidentified marble. Thanks guys
  18. Saw this marble offered for sale. Says it is an early version. ???
  19. Thanks Cheese. The sizes are to the side of the last picture. Not sure why the text gets put that way but it happens a lot when I post. Must be doing something wrong.
  20. Got these last weekend and think they are Alley, maybe Ravenswood. They all fluoresce like the one picture. .62 on the ends and .60/61 in the middle MarbleAlan Home.html
  21. Thanks everyone, it least I am on the right track. The Wasp does not have aventurine and it really is beat up, but at least I have one.
  22. Have found quite a few Pelts in the 4 or 5 months since I started collecting, but they pale in comparison to ones seen in this forum. Also my pics don't match up very well but, nevertheless I will post a few that I think are nice. The yellow one on the right of the second photo and in pic 3 and 4 may not be a Pelt, but I thought that sometime ago I saw a pic that looked like it in a Pelt description.
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