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Everything posted by Smitty323

  1. I plan on being there again this year! These folks put on a great and fun show. Can't wait to see everyone again.
  2. Randyclark.bidwrangler.com Auction is now online through May 20th, then will go live and in house bidding.
  3. Meeting 5 or 6 local collectors at a park for a mini marble meet.
  4. https://www.auctionzip.com/cgi-bin/photopanel.cgi?listingid=3799396&category=0&zip=44706&kwd=marbles
  5. I had a missed call from Nola last night and just woke up to this devastating news. I struggle to find the right words. Ron was a great friend for many years. I can still remember meeting him at a root beer stand in Parkersburg and discussing starting a West Virginia Marble Collectors Club. His passion and knowledge of marbles is unsurpassed and I doubt anyone would argue that point. He was one of the kindest persons you would ever meet, and always willing to share his knowledge. This is an enormous loss to the marble community! With a broken heart, all I can say is he will be dearly missed by so many.
  6. The first box in this thread contains Foxfire #2 run
  7. Buckeye marble show, Canton Ohio, Feb 8th-11th 2023.
  8. He was a very kind man. He also attended many of the Ohio shows. I went to his house once to pick up some glass tops he had made for me, and he invited me into his shop to show me how they were made, then he allowed me to make and roll a large marble, and it is not as easy as it looks! Mine did not turn out very good, or even round, but I still cherish it to this day. Rest in peace my friend, you will be missed!
  9. The marble shows recently have just not been the same without Chuck and Dianne. They were some of my closest friends. Chuck would talk about marbles for hours and I learned so much from them. Dianne would always offer snacks or a sandwich or a coke. They would let me rest up at their home on my way to Amana and always made me feel welcome. My thoughts are with Dianne, and Chuck will be very sadly missed.
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