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Al Oregon

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Al Oregon last won the day on October 7

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About Al Oregon

  • Birthday January 7

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    Marble bags and marbles; volunteering; traveling.

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Grand Master (14/15)

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  1. With the yellow stripe on the other side plus the red and blue ribbons, I'd be going with the Imperial" type of foreign marble - probably Asian.
  2. Not Peltier. Doesn't ring a bell with any US made marbles.
  3. I think you might have a Vacor Bear. Here is a bag pic.
  4. Thanks Steph. I remember when you were one of the rabble-rousers who had to be "contained"... Here's my cat's-eye pic for you.
  5. You missed this one but mark it for next year.
  6. Steph's list has Michael Petura and Martha Proctor as MP
  7. Here's one of the newer bags.
  8. Al Oregon

    ID Help

    Really need 2-3 views of each marble to get an accurate ID. #5 is an Akro Popeye corkscrew.
  9. A few other related items about the Golden Rule Marble.
  10. Here is a picture by Craig Snider
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