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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. The woodworking term is β€œmarquetry” for the inlaid veneer on the boxes, and it is a really special enhancement to his work.
  2. Reminds me of a Berry Pink without the blue stripes.
  3. Chad is usually spot on on all his IDs, but I sure thought this was an Akro.
  4. That is so true! I’m pretty sure they took a liking to most of the marbles we revere, but would scratch their heads over some we cherish.
  5. Well spoken and as Art suggested, time to wrap it up!
  6. Leaning Alley. Too big for RW.
  7. Agree with Flaming Dragon
  8. Looks like a game marble to me.
  9. Usually around pee wee sized and looks of aventurine. Alley IMHO
  10. Samsonite gave out the Golden Rule marbles ( initially glass) to top employees but later gave them out as promotional items and were plastic.
  11. Doubt CAC due to the wide separation at the seam.
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