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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. Welcome to retirement! Always good to get off the hampster wheel and be able to go at your own pace!
  2. When you buy from EBay, KNOW your sellers! Never buy from someone with less than several hundred feedbacks and read their feedbacks if they are not 100% to find out why someone gave a negative feedback. Cedarman7 is very reputable, and Chad and Steph have a list of other sellers recommended by this site.
  3. Agree with Chad, not CAC. Alley or Ravenswood IMHO.
  4. I think Christensen had very good quality control. Blow holes occur, but not too common, in my experience. “Cold roll” marks not that unusual, but not more common than other companies, in my experience. I have around 250 CACs in my collection. Hope that helps.
  5. Beautiful Akro lemonade oxblood Allies!!
  6. Alley. The yellow would be extremely rare for Ravenswood.
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