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Everything posted by Joe2

  1. Joe2

    My Garden

    Begonias? And Iris?
  2. Hello, and yes many welcomes to you. Hope you find everything Pleasant here 🙋‍♂️
  3. Some of my favorites of Dug Master Marbles by Michael Johnson fr. 1997, Anmoore, WV. Factory Site
  4. This photo is showing a faint gold chain possibly dichron with a single Band which leads me to think DAS.
  5. Those are beautiful marbles but if I had to characterize it I would have to characterize i them as a European wire pull machine made.❤
  6. On the contrary, though there were no shirts for sale of the event Mike was kind enough to give to bring some for me to choose from. I choose the one from thie town live in now. Thank Mike Johnson For the shirt 💚
  7. There is probably more to the story than I know that only Mike could tell, I'm sure there was a 101 on marble history to go with that
  8. If I can remember the story but there was a marble contest at the store the day thr shirts came out. The store was called The Toy Zoo in 2011 all the participants were given shirts or paid for them I can't remember but I believe they were gifts, the store sold lots of Mega Marbles.
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