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Everything posted by TravelersMibs

  1. @akroorka & @Chad G.rite on! Thanks to you both...yes, I see the 10 vitro you both are referring to
  2. Btw, please correct me if I'm wrong on any of these mibs, but I think they are all Peltier...
  3. In all honesty I didn't think I was going to win the auction... I hope to fill this with the best NLR collection I can find for myself ... work in progress. Thanks for looking 🙏🏽
  4. Very cool, as well as interesting to know! Rite on
  5. Thanks @Da Roberto, good to know! 🤝🏽🙏🏽 Would you happen to know if those w yellow fluorescence, are older than the Jabo that has more of an orange fluorescence?
  6. The color on these (UV) looks very identical...thoughts anyone? Pics 1 & 2 same face pic 3 is 180° obverse face Thanks in advance 🙏🏽
  7. This seller made me an offer after placing the item in my watch list.... It's obvious that this is a Vitro Helmet, NOT a Peltier Christmas tree 🤦🏽‍♂️
  8. Thoughts on this? I'm not interested in buying, it just seems outlandish.
  9. Okay, so you think it could be an AKRO? Rite on! Can you share what are the CAC traits to look for?
  10. Great looking Superboy there @Leigh
  11. Wow, if this is indeed a Christensen, then it's my 4th 100yr+ member in my collection. Does this count as a Red Slag? Thoughts? Thanks for looking and assisting! 🙏🏽🤝🏽
  12. Yes, he is very straight forward and he takes care of any mistakes that his website might be responsible for.
  13. Rite on! I appreciate the link @Chad G., I have ordered a couple mibs from his website before, and yes I'm also waiting for the move. 🤝🏽
  14. So I just read a thread about some marbles of a D.A.S. 2017 run born Aug 22 AMAZING color palette 🎨 Does anyone know where I can buy 5lbs of that run or any other D.A.S. run born on the 22nd of Aug? Image is of some Lutz and floating chain from the D.A.S. Gusto run 4 May 2022
  15. @Leigh rite on, well they sure show a strong similarity to that Reddit image..
  16. Yes, that's what originally got my attention, and my noob mistake of discernment, i wasnt looking for the seams. Originally I thought it was a super boy.
  17. @Dave 13 Yes, I agree with you there... JABO and D.A.S color palettes really get my attention 🤝🏽
  18. I'm learning that not every JABO glows under UV, but it sure helps narrow it down a bit, in my "new to learning the characteristics of marbles" opinion That's middle one is beautiful!
  19. All are +/_ 16mm 1) Auger? 2) Cairo? 3) ??? major fluorescence under UV 4) peltier? 5) peltier? 6) ??? Thanks in advance everyone
  20. @akroorka & @Chad G. Okay okay, so you both are thinking the 19mm is a PPP... is the absence of the Peltier seam the only indication? and the 16mm is an Akro corkscrew? It does have a subtle fluorescence in the orange under my UV headlamp I will wait for more opinions before I make my labels 🏷
  21. @Tommy did you know that the bananas from the Yucca are edible? Also, the roots can be broken down and woven into a very sturdy fiber worthy of being used as sandals in the dessert. Awesome cactus flower pics BTW!
  22. Blue & Yellow is 19mm, Blue & Orange is 16mm and I don't see any seams... Thoughts?
  23. @Leigh Have you put a UV light to these mibs?
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