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  1. I can confidently say that all are Vitro except that black one that you indicated was larger. Not sure what that one is, but it doesn't look Vitro to me.
  2. Some sweet Alligator Eyes I was lucky enough to buy last year.
  3. Yes, Vitro Conqueror. They occasionally come with 2 colors + white, and when they do they can look really nice!
  4. Ahhh, gotcha. Well that's a bummer, but thanks for checking it out!
  5. @Steph Would there be any way to restore the text throughout this thread that has seemingly disappeared? For example, many of the replies on the first page only have 1 random word showing and it doesn't make sense / makes the discussion impossible to follow. If not, I understand, but thought I would ask Thanks!
  6. Bit of a detour but this topic has been bugging me for a little while and I keep forgetting to make a post about it. Ron had posted a marble that he identified as a Vitro Sparkler a few years ago in a big Vitro ID thread on the AAM boards. The mib he posted does seem pretty different-looking from an Akro Sparkler, but it's been difficult to find more information about if these are indeed a thing or not, how to ID Vitro Sparkler vs. Akro Sparkler if they are a thing, etc etc. I know you know your Vitros, @Ric - maybe you can help demystify this one for me?
  7. Photo of some of Ric's Vitro Tri Lites (top 2 look pretty familiar :D)
  8. Good call @Steph. Came back because this one was bugging me and then I remembered that I have some. I am 100% confident they are Vitro Tri Lites. They are likely a bit larger than 5/8" but the ebay seller that Melissa's photo is from doesn't provide many details on their listings.
  9. My guess would be old glass but polished.
  10. Nate


    Two on the outside definitely look Jabo to me.
  11. Kinda looks Vitro to me.
  12. Nate


    Yep! Peltier NLR Christmas Tree
  13. Vitro Multicolored Patch on the left. Vitro Tri Lite on the right.
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