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  1. thank you ,i saw these and some other photos also , the two i have i agree have quite a lot of bubbles compared to most photos but one or two with bubbles also , i just dont know enough tbh but i see the banana in my ones for sure comparing it to the pelts , has that classic banana look they came in that bag i got that had the 11 josephs coats and others
  2. Thank you i don't have a clue tbh ,it came in with the bag of marbles , nice little thing thou
  3. I think these are Alley agate swirls but not 100% both 15.9mm , what do you all think . many thanks
  4. not 100% sure if these are oxblood or just a deep red
  5. they are just shy of 1'' @ 24.2mm - 0.95 inch , noticed last night while putting them away that one of the red ones has a small blowout but hey cant grumble
  6. I would agree that most of the bananas i see have almost perfect glass even the non coloured versions but i have seen a few that are labbled as amber bananas that seem to be like mine , but i know very little so makes it harder to say either way , thanks for your input
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