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Everything posted by Jzoook6

  1. No it just looks extra pretty when you backlight them LOL
  2. This is a Peltier, not a Marble King, correct? If so, is it just a regular rainbo? .58 Thanks in advance!
  3. Thank you! 🎉 @Melissa did you try getting a flashlight on yours?
  4. Yes thanks, that was my thinking too -- theres no way all the marbles in the second group aren't the same and that 3rd guy looks imperial as heck. The red "bird" ones have same green swirls on the back
  5. All Imperial? Thanks in advance!
  6. Heres one of mine, I think i have quite a few but this is my fave
  7. Jzoook6


    Wow what a find! I would say the majority of stuff in my house is older than me too 😂 I have always thought there was something very very cool/awesome about holding something that was made a long time ago 🤷‍♀️ I am trying to think of the oldest treasure in my house right now, do you know what yours is?
  8. Also my ID is just a guess, as I am also learning
  9. ooo purdy. maybe 2 Vitro tri-lites?
  10. Jzoook6


    Wow that ashtray is older than me! I will have to keep my eyes peeled for one. Hard to find slag out in the wild, at least around here.
  11. whaaaat-- i thought I had seen somewhere online it was a Jabo and I recently got my hands on a DAS with the same goldish flakes. I do totally see the Peltier tho.
  12. White with red. The flakes are like a rosey gold metallic, not space junk. Gotta be a Jabo? .58 Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  13. Thank you all! I would not have guessed the second to be a Vitro but now that you say it, the color of the base glass is totally vitro.
  14. Here is it next to that Akro to show the color a little better (also featured: my marble-obsessed cat)
  15. ooooo that is a pretty one!!! I think you are right about the blue--they have to at least be related. Is the yellow more gatorade greenish than mustardy gold honey yellow?
  16. Have this one in my Jabo pile. I think the base is light bluish, but I am not certain enough to call it blue. Jabo or something else? .58 Thanks in advance for any thoughts
  17. I think it adds some character! That first one looks cheery as heck. 1. Vitro? Burn/scorched mark? .61 2. ??? Akro? maybe was dropped before it cooled? .90 Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  18. Yay thank you! To me, in the second pic it looks like the orange band was smushed together before getting smushed into the white 🤷‍♀️
  19. Jzoook6


    I thought they looked familiar when someone posted a picture of their Alley animals! I think Morgantown made some black glass using india black ink? Do you still have the Akro pieces? What are they? Are they solid black or white/black slag? I did not know they existed and I need to find some immediately! I did get a white and dark red akro slag flower pot last weekend but thats not nearly as cool as a black one.
  20. 3 Peltiers? Blue: pretty sure, Black: medium sure, Orange: least sure .60 Thanks in advance
  21. Awesome. Thank you. Its crazy how new they feel.
  22. sorry the only pic I have is a dark one.
  23. Jzoook6


    That makes sense that they would stretch the good cullet out by mixing it in with a cheaper base. Same thing some artists do with paint. Im sure it also why a lot of catseyes are aqua tinted. Did Fenton make a true opaque black? The top dish is Smith glass "Black Amethyst" (PA) and I am pretty sure the bottom candlestick holder is Fenton. Could not detect even a hint of color/light through it.
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