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Everything posted by Jzoook6

  1. I want it to be a Peltier but is it stripey enough? Hmm. Thoughts? TIA and happy Saturday!
  2. holy heck, look at the sparkle on those babies. BEAUTEOUS.
  3. wow those are cool too! thank you for posting! I need to see if I have any like these--I might need to reconsider some of the marbles I had marked Jabo. Hmm. Are Jabos particularly well-rounded/spherical or unround/lumpy/squarish?
  4. Yea, sometimes you gotta pay to play! I paid $40 for my haul (cringe), but I figure like $20 was for "the experience" alone. Especially considering how few marbles are for sale out there at the moment, I could have probably been talked into paying more than $40 🤣 I don't want to get my hopes up on the Superman, but it is a nice looking marble regardless. There is a red and yellow guy in there that I'm also kinda jazzed about.
  5. Wow those are wilddddd!!! Thank you for posting--very different from mine lol.
  6. I 100% knowingly overpaid for my marbles today (literally the only person I have found with any marbles for sale at all in my area) Obviously the bagged ones are Marble King-Were there any packages of marble that were a mixture of manufacturers or would any bags like that be recently repackaged? I picked this up a few weeks agoIMG_8341.DNG and it looks like has a few of those junk irridescent clears, 3 UV reactive ones and maybe some WV ones too. (If its a new package I wanna open ) Thanks for looking!
  7. Ok cool thanks all. Does anyone have any of the actual Jabo Oxbloods? Love to see a pic for comparison.
  8. https://www.treasurenet.com/threads/peltier-wolverine.499942/ --Which now reading the post looks like its a Marble King? It really really looks like a Peltier to me tho still.
  9. Jabo? Is that a gray base? TIA! ❤️
  10. Happy (Akro) Friday, Marble Mavens!
  11. Peltier Strawberry Shortcake? Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
  12. I think its a Peltier but It seems too washy to be a Wolverine. Thoughts? TIA!!!!
  13. I'm kind of getting Ravenswood vibes
  14. Thats exactly what I thought too. I just haven't been able to find any similar. It feels very similar to the Cloudy Days I have without yellow.
  15. I think either Jabo or Cairo. Thoughts? Thanks in advance!
  16. Or just a look-a-like? Thanks in advance.
  17. Yay thank you! This is a keeper for sure
  18. Prettiest Jabo ever? TIA ❤️
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