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  1. Gonna agree with Chad, The outside all looks right but the insides have been pillaged and refilled/redone.
  2. Sorry for the multiple posts 😅 It seemed like alot for one post so I wanted to split them up. I'll finish up with the quick shots of my Jabo shelf (I also like to keep my vintage vitro bags on this one, but everything else is like the Jabo era.)
  3. I was informed (by a pretty awesome person) that these tools were used in some of the Jabo production runs. The two with heavy use were a couple of the actual workers daily drivers and the lightly used, smaller tool was actually made for a child of someone connected to the Jabo team that would sometimes visit the workplaces with their parent. I wanted to keep them all safe but need to figure out some way to display them still.
  4. I have this (Signed) Jar of Peewees; And then a little bag of Peewees with Jim King's signature on the little card insert.
  5. I have a couple cool jabo type things; Starting with these signed collector sets, one set is signed by David McCullough (The Master himself) and the other is signed by Joanne Argabrite as one of the founders of Jabo, Inc. They are numbered, so I am sure some other ones are out there, I have 4 sets total. They may all be signed but I am not sure, all 4 I have are signed and dated by either David or Joanne. There could be other signers too so not sure on how rare these are really.
  6. Also this is from Last Dance if you wanted to know - 99.9% sure. Here is the example from; https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/anythinggoes43567/naming-begun-for-the-last-dance-run-t1756.html
  7. This one in particular has to be one of the grails. So much so that they singled it out on the WVMCC site in the gallery/archives. I have one of the blue/yellow frit and the red/white/blue from the wash but this one has to be special and hidden away somewhere I hope.
  8. It's THE raven. Already a small run I think, and there is a special one. From https://www.westvirginiamarblecollectorsclub.com/jabo-inc-miscellenious According to the lore, Less than 10 cases from this tank wash run prior to the odyssey run were deemed viable, It is indicated that there was alot of fracturing and cold rolls in this wash. They had some really neat colors. Patriotic Frit, Dichroic type stuff. The examples from the regular ones can be seen here;
  9. Talked my way into this haul and wanted to share.
  10. Yea I would imagine these are a bit rarer in Europe, I've only seen one in person here in the US.
  11. if you don't have one already, A vacuum chamber should help flush the air bubbles out from the damaged spots while the resin cures.
  12. Let's see the spoils of the Anacortes bag @Steph pretty plzzz
  13. What do y'all think? Where is this from? It's like a whole size smaller than my other peewees (Which are mostly Jabo Classic peewees) This was individually packaged alongside alot of other marbles, all on it's own. (The formatting for the video is weird and huge and I could not scale it down any, so not sure if it helps but i'm leaving it there.) Snapchat-1366084595.mp4
  14. I don't think it looks like one of the Akro ones. Something about it seems off. I swear i've seen this one somewhere, was it listed on or did you get it from eBay?
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