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Everything posted by TNG

  1. When cullet is found at a site that does not match the sites operators or manufacturer what does that generally mean? Was cullet sold or passed around between companies to compare coloration with or get a feel for what the other companies were working with?
  2. The lore here is wild, A+ reading. Here is an excerpt from my favorite article about Pink that may provide some background as to wanting to shave off some years from his age @Steph ;
  3. If it was listed for 6 Dollars previously it must have been a mistake, as I saw this listing as well @ 410$
  4. TNG

    2 more JABO

    If I saw this label I would just assume that they meant these were from one of the Dave's Appalachian swirls runs or maybe a SMM run. Something not branded Jabo but made by some of the same team members or on the same equipment.
  5. Where does one send them?
  6. I Started collecting like "art glass" vases, fenton type stuff, then got into the vaseline glass and randomly bought a lot of like 11 UV marbles from an Ebay seller. They were gorgeous and like 4$, so I immediately liked how accessible they are compared to some of the fancy art glass stuff. I can still snag deals on jars/bags at my local antique stores that might end up being a like big return on investment so it's more of a treasure hunt then just buying an expensive dining plate and already knowing what it is. The variations make them really fun to sort through and try to ID and categorize and then re-sell/display. They don't take up alot of real estate either, I'm really stressed about having to move all my glass stuff someday but not so much about the marbles as they are easy to pack and store.
  7. I like dragons egg > football imo
  8. Hi! Just wanted to chime in because I have seen these Shur shooter bags listed as reproduction/novelty before, so they could have been packed even more recently, but the other bag seems too specific. Here is a link to an ebay listing with a bunch of reproduction bags (with one of the shur shooter bags in every set); https://www.ebay.com/itm/125726056750
  9. I bought this listed as a jabo "ultra", I think this seller is normally really spot on, but I only got it because I thought it might be a raven instead. Can anyone second or confirm this? I'm only able to find a few pictures of the run but was able to kind of color match it to a pic posted on Jaboland back in the day, I have included it here for comparison;
  10. Thanks folks! I just wasn't sure if the op was something out of the ordinary for them that explained the price point, Anyone got a black one to show off?
  11. I've been looking at this listing for a while on my watchlist, is it on the up and up and as described? Listed as 5/8 Akro Agate white snake w/ moonie glass. Original listing/photo credit; https://www.ebay.com/itm/115607498200
  12. The spacing of the clear is really cool at that angle where it's through and through
  13. Hi Everyone, I wasn't sure where to put this or if it's even within the rules but i'm looking for some examples from one of the early Jabo experimental type runs that might be available to add to my collection? I can't seem to find any, so If you happen to see any and get a chance, point me that way. Included a pic of the run for here for reference (Courtesy of Biblefreak's ID page.)
  14. It looks sickly, I have it here next to the regular rainbo and the one I posted earlier. Is the left one just like anemic or a mistake or ....? Underlit comparison
  15. I have gotten a couple of rainbos in the past, so the colors are selling it for me, but is this like a fancy example?? None of my other ones have this kind of coverage
  16. Is that holiday themed one (Northeast of your sweetpea) like extra big??
  17. It looks goofy with my other akros but I can see where they come from now in regards to either being from the games or packaged as a bonus/teaser with the popeye's, seems like just how they got into those boxes might just be lost information though. Thanks everyone for taking a look!
  18. .50 inch according to the calipers but it just seems so tiny. There are faint striations in some parts of the yellow, almost like it has some hints of a clear transparent element.
  19. Right on, pretty color combo. Looks like a Vitro to me.
  20. Thanks everyone, I think the concept isn't like a terrible idea, if the authority was neutral and well informed, and not involved in the sales side. It's just sketchy to be both the grading "Authority" and also selling your own graded items. It's going to lead to misrepresentation at some point if not just outright fraud.
  21. I have seen like ID and appraisal services in the last few months, and have had many marbles already ID'd here by some of you fine folks even. It always seemed like a labor of love though, There are no charges. I have only really collected glass for a year or two, and only got into marbles in the middle of 2022. I am a babe in the woods, And I know that Coins and other collectibles have been encased for years so wanted to confirm if anyone had tried anything like this in their time as a collector for a marble.
  22. Please avoid visiting the site, The only intention was to discuss possible past attempts at similar systems in the hobby in the past. I was able to visit the page (without a warning like your receiving) after finding it in an Ebay seller's link regarding a "graded" bag of Miscellaneous Vitro's which led to my OP in this thread, having never heard of a grading company I wanted to see what others thought. I do not want to call the inspiration for the discussion an outright scam, But you almost certainly cannot be 100% impartial when assessing something and also making money based on the outcome of the assessment.
  23. That's the one I came across, but I wanted to be purposefully vague so no free advertising for an unverified service. They appear to link almost all of their examples as direct links to Marble Alans ID Guides, and they also sell packaged marbles from private collections which seems to mean they are the graders and also profit from the sales of said graded items. That does not seem like a healthy practice to me.
  24. I recently found a service offering a grading product (with certificates of authenticity that include the grade and details regarding the marble) I wanted to ask some other members of the hobby about it. There has been a rise of similar services in other collector fields (Like vintage video games, and comic books.) that offer grading but are also involved in facilitating sales of the same items, which seems to be a direct conflict of interest to me. What do you think? Have their been services offering encapsulation and grading of marbles in the past? or are any parts of your collection "graded"
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