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Everything posted by Melissa

  1. Thanks. I can’t wait to see them!
  2. Here’s another blue one. Vitro?
  3. Thank you. They are both beautiful and definitely keepers for me.
  4. It is....until it's not. 🤣
  5. The snow was pretty for awhile, but now I'm over it. 🤣 This is where I live right after the first big snowfall this year.
  6. Could I get IDs on these two? Thank you. first one
  7. Here is the actual listing if that helps. I do realize the marbles aren't in perfect shape, but I kind of like that they show their age a bit. https://www.ebay.com/itm/115642808551?nma=true&si=EYhgFIHd6bbyECt6zOMJJnbXrsw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  8. You were just goofin'? And here I was just about ready to send them your way.
  9. You're funny! Even funnier is I have no idea how to play this game.
  10. There are 36 total included in the auction. Here are the three that are missing from the photograph. Gosh, now I sort of want a lutz and some onion skin. .....and down the rabbit hole I go. 🙄
  11. Thanks! I’m not certain what all I like so far but I know I do like Germans. I was surprised to win the auction. Didn’t expect that.
  12. Here is the bottom stamped as well
  13. Thanks. I may have paid too much but I don’t care. I got a pretty nice bonus this year and I love German marbles.
  14. Me too! I’ll have to do some research. 🧐
  15. I won this auction just now. 😳😳😳❤️❤️❤️😬😁😁
  16. I had all my uv marbles separated until recently I began identifying and sorting. I believe these two I pulled from the uv pile.
  17. I’m pretty sure they are uv reactive.
  18. No. Should I be looking for something with the flashlight? Av?
  19. Wow. That’s so pretty!
  20. There is so much to learn with these tiny glass spheres. It’s overwhelming most days, but fun too.
  21. Thank you. I really love these.
  22. I swear this is my last for the day. These two are some of my favorite and I’d like to know what they are. here is the first one.
  23. Thanks. I’m trying! ☺️
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