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Everything posted by Kimbernugs

  1. Did Akro make peewee corks? This baby is just a smidgen above 7/16ths. Sorry for the washed out exposure and focus. Was having a hard time with this one. The one end starts out decent, but the other end gets sloppy. The base is actually sort of a light putty or gray.
  2. Amen! I love all my pee wee babies. And I'm not even tempted to eat them. Well, a little.
  3. Oh. My. Gawd! I'm trying not to be envious, but I'M SO ENVIOUS! Amazing!
  4. A patient just popped in to tell me that she has a whole vase full of marbles from when she was a kid and she forgot to bring them. She says she's coming back in a month and will try to remember to bring them in. I. Can't. Wait. Aaaauuuugggghhhhh
  5. I haven't seen these dark yellow ribbons like this very often. Well, with my limited experience that's not saying much. This guy is 1/2 inch. Is this color and size combo less common?
  6. 7/16ths. Looks like typical baseball pattern to me.
  7. Wow. I thought these were gonna be new ones because they are in perfect shape. And two of the same? Nice! Thanks so much!
  8. Kimbernugs


    Both 11/16ths. Bright, red ribbons on cloudy base. I can't hardly find a seam on #2.
  9. 9/16ths. Transparent amber base with a deep yellow and light orange-ish ribbons and white veneer patch. Stumped.
  10. ((Head slap)) How did I miss that one?? LOL - thanks!
  11. Ooooh, I forgot that those under 1/2" were considered peewees. This is so exciting! Now I'll put it up in my new display case w/ the other Masters. Thanks!
  12. I was wondering because the one on the right - the patch is more of a salmon color than red, but you can't really see it in the pic.
  13. I'm thinking both are Vitro, but not sure. Both are 9/16ths. Thanks!
  14. Are the rainbows what is referred to as NLR's? Why are they called that? I have seen another set of initials for the Miller Swirls, but I can't recall what they are. Were they made at different times? Because the colors look the same in the ribbons vs swirls sometimes. Is there a name for any of these color combinations I have here? They seem pretty common. Thank you in advance for your help.
  15. I tried to get better pics using different light sources. The China swirl is 9/16 and the mystery swirl is 5/8. I believe the greens are different in hand, but not by much. Neither flouresce. Maybe one if these new pics will help?
  16. Just a smidgen over 3/4". White patch and ribbons on teal transparent base.
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