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Everything posted by CharlieT

  1. Some random Akros of ours. There all our favorite....all the akros that is.
  2. 10 4, thank you Ric. 🙏
  3. Thank all yall for your suggestions. I've got a few mibs that aren't with my Pelts, or Akros ect... this is one of them.
  4. So that green flakey stuff that looks like every other adventurine mib.... is undissolved colorant? 🫥
  5. No. No light gets through at all.
  6. Thanks everybody. I was looking at the lines and picturing it with an opaque base glass.....and it seems Peltier'ish. But idk though. 🙏
  7. For the longest time, I thought this one was a cat eye. But after a closer look, it's not a cat eye at all. My guess is Peltier. I also have a large shooter very similar to this one. Thanks everyone 🙏
  8. Middle one Vitro? Thanks Ric
  9. Nice buncha wvs & some pelts and akros. Great find
  10. I'd love to have a red one like the blue spiral onyx. And some others like the yellow clear one.
  11. Awesome Akros! They are definitely my favorite.... 🙏
  12. That's great Nantucket.....thank you 🙏
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