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Everything posted by CharlieT

  1. Some various slags and swirls of ours. God bless everyone 🙏✝️🙏
  2. Thanks everybody. I've got some others I think maybe Ravenswoods also. Stay tuned. GOD Bless!
  3. WOW! That purple one is amazing. We have a green one and an amber like that. But not purple though. That's great.
  4. I always thought this one was an odd colored oxblood.
  5. There are definitely some keepers in that first pic. Some vintage Vitros, Peltiers and a Akro corkscrews. Right on
  6. You thinking about a corkscrew? 😁
  7. Pretty sure it's a weird looking conquerer. Either way. Fun stuff
  8. That's why I took it outta my Peltiers. Cuz I thought it was actually a Vitro. Jabo?? Idk maybe. Didn't Vitro and Jabo run together at a point?
  9. Here's that dark bruiser looking one. Just bad lighting. I apologize
  10. If you look close, you can see the swirl pattern in at least a couple of them. But heck, maybe there just ole arts n craft marbles. 👍
  11. Wow that's beautiful! No matter the maker
  12. Yall are great. You really know your stuff. Thank you 🙏
  13. Yeah I also think the yellowish color is mirage of sorts. Thanks everyone for your input. God bless 🙏
  14. The reason I mentioned "flaming dragon" is because this one is the exact same color as previous orange and green Pelt. Thanks for any help and GOD bless 🙏
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