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teajayo last won the day on August 25 2023

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  1. This is pretty old and interesting to read what you're all saying about the row of Akro labeled as cateyes being some handmades.
  2. Let's see some Green Akro Agate Marbles 😉 The Kro Issue No.000 was sent out March 1st. If you signed up and did not see it, your email program must have put it in spam or you inadvertedly deleted it. If you never signed up to receive it... you should here> https://akroagatemarbles.com/the-store/ and you'll get it immediately in your inbox. Have a spectacular day Akroholics.
  3. Sign up.. get The Kro https://akroagatemarbles.com/the-store/
  4. February is flying by like a Kro... remember this article... the answers to who-dun-it and a lot more will be revealed in (the first issue) The Kro Issue No.000. If you haven't signed up to get it in your email inbox... what are you waiting for? https://akroagatemarbles.com/the-store/ Akroholics Strong! Good night 😴
  5. Boy.. that orange prize name is fire!
  6. How bought we just do Akro every day? 🤔
  7. Hi Ric. Here's the marble this 3/4 tricolor with oxblood. pretty rare to see these orange and yellow which are usually in the Prize Name category, with oxblood, but there are rows of these orange, yellow and a hint of black in #2 50ct Akro boxes labeled tricolor. This marble fits that description except it has a lot of oxblood. So... Tricolor Special 3/4
  8. A late submission... fitting for how frigid it is where I am right now in the Northeast.
  9. What size is this? I am iso a 3/4 white spiral onyx (it looks white from here?). I have all the other colors in that size, but not 3/4.
  10. This is a tough combo to find larger than 5/8
  11. Here's another folded seam Ric...
  12. top center is a tough one to come by ... nice
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