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AvvaRae last won the day on September 23 2023

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About AvvaRae

  • Birthday 07/06/1984

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    Vintage/Antique Books, Glassware, Pocket Watches, Baking, Gardening,Hiking & Pew Pew's

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  1. I love all the dog photos!!! Hubby is finally home!!!!! Surgery ahead and a long recovery but home ,🥰🥰🥰 Everyones poochies are so cute!!! @Chad G. Wayward omg!!! Ho freaking cute is he!!!!!! I bet he has a fun personality!!! @schmoozer so freaking adorable!!! There must be (we like small fun things lol?) Did you get them together or separate? and are they one person humans like mine? Lol mine follows me everywhere literally bathroom sleeps with me when I cook everywhere haha .. it's a blast . Haha @Fire1981 bandit is over cute! Lots of personality in the face!!!
  2. Daisy (she's a Merle Chihuahua so there's some sort of cattle dog in the mix in her genes hehe)
  3. She definitely was sleeping in my arms last night (she's a cuddler lol) it was for sure a good sense of much needed peace for us both Thank you so much for you kind words and thoughts 🥰 Now all I need is my husband home and healthy 🙏
  4. Finally space to breathe a smidge.. she was caught today 💕 We spent all night watching trail cams praying she would go in and by God's Grace today was her day to come home
  5. Just to update my husband is still in the hospital (it's more serious than was expected per his last CT) Puppy is still gone, though I have a wonderful women who set traps for me and cameras to try and catch her... I appreciate you all... I read everything today . I just haven't had a second to myself until now. I often feel, God stretches us in these hard times and maybe this is just my families time to stretch a little... thank you guys for your support I really needed it...🥲
  6. I lost my puppy today she ran away, my husband has been in the hospital we are waiting to see if he needs surgery .. and I'm just over here ready to emotionally just break down... I haven't been active because it's just so chaotic and if any of you have any good juju or believe in a higher power I could really use the prayers...or should I say my family ... I'm not looking for sympathy just some really honest good energy and kind words..... And I'm trying to keep my heart humble and remember there are those going through so much worse in this world... And my little first world problems aren't anything of measure... It's just what do you do when you are so overwhelmed and you gotta keep going?
  7. Vacor I have a few I have the name written somewhere I'll find it and post
  8. Fun share 😉 the middle ones both rows really caught my eye 😎
  9. Yogurt Marinated Chicken with herbs and spices with a side of extra yum from garden onions and potatoes....
  10. Chili for the win on this cool October Night.... My secrets are Soy Coffee and Guinness 😁😊
  11. I've never stepped foot in a movie theater I've never drank alcohol I've never sang in public
  12. Awwww yay I'm so happy you like them hehe... Marble Mail is the best!!! There's another package coming tomorrow!!! 🥰
  13. Awww You're exactly right! Thank you bumble for all that you do 🤓
  14. They look like anime characters to me
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