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Everything posted by AvvaRae

  1. πŸ˜‚ Okay I'll be bringing it then lol ...
  2. I'm sure I will I only hope I don't annoy everyone with my 500 questions lol... I did purchase some books off a recommendation list to help myself with identification πŸ™‚.
  3. No worries I understand. Thank you for letting me know 😊 I'll be patient hehe
  4. πŸ€”Does anyone in our group sell? I'd love to support our group vs someone random🫣😊. If there is already a thread for this I apologize. And if this isn't allowed just say the word and I'll zip my lips hehe 🀐 (I do have a good source for an upcoming auction/you may already know about it πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ) they ship btw Ps. Anyone else get their kiddos hooked on marbles too? My littlest guy here for this marble run for his birthday... He's obsessed 🀣..
  5. Haha that's really cool and definitely outside of the box!!! Ever find any cool ones?
  6. So fun!!!! That's on my bucket list to find they look beautiful!!! Especially under the black light
  7. This looks so fun!!! I wanna play lol. What a score!!!!
  8. Feels that way weπŸ˜‚ I find myself searching the internet scouring... I have a whole ebay wishlist already lol 🀣
  9. Thank you hehe 😊
  10. So fun!!! Have a favorite author or title?
  11. Dang that is some dedication!!!! Beautiful photo of your trio hehe
  12. That's so wild and fun lol!!!! I have a garden too, it's been a terrible season being so close to the smoke from the fires . No sun = small crops.. Id love to dig up some marbles though instead of potatoes πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  13. Wow, that's nuts!!! Total nail biter I would have thought they were lost... That's awesome they still got there though hehe
  14. I'm Avva from Pennsylvania. I am so new to Marbles I am not even sure I could call myself a collector. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ 🫣I recently like within the last month I was at an auction picking up items when I went to view the next lot I saw jar of marbles and thought to myself how fun... and a few estate sales and auctions later and.... Well here I am, I opened that first jar and was just fascinated at how intricate some of them were... And that just sparked so much interest. So, πŸ€“I was searching YouTube (I found Stephen's Videos) and thought there has to be more I can read/see and here I am. Ready/Eager to learn and soak everything up πŸ™ƒπŸ˜ Outside of marbles I love collecting antique books, I love the smell, the way the pages sound when you flip them lol and just getting into the minds of society or an author is exciting to me. I also love collecting Minerals/Crystals 😍. Natural beauty from the earth is fascinating to me (maybe because I am Indigenous or maybe just because the earth is wondrous and beautiful. *I love sitting and trying to sort them out/figure out what they are lol.. it's half the fun for me atm
  15. I'm Avva and I have no idea what my preference is yet because I am so new to this but I am really enjoying the journey and the community so far 😁
  16. Oh nice, I wasn't sure if I could call them that because there was only one streak, is there a certain year they did this or that was common? My other cats eyes have 4 or more ribbon type streaks inside (I'm guessing that is more common?)
  17. I thought it would be fun to share stories of the longest distance you traveled for a marble/s or the craziest way you acquired one πŸ™ƒπŸ€“
  18. I have no idea exactly yet how to identify but it's one sweet looking marble
  19. Hi it's Avva again πŸ₯° ✌️So some questions here because I am still so new and learning What do you call or how would I identify these banana looking marbles? πŸ€” πŸ€“πŸ™ƒThe next set look white but in further photos down almost have a greenish hue to them, in looking at @Steph notations I am finding it hard to identify them any help would be greatly appreciated The third blue photo, how do I find seems on a marble like this? Or would th ribbon effect be how I would identify? Also what would make a marble flatfish on one side? The red and white were so super fun, I know they aren't peppermint swirls but they definitely remind me of peppermint candy... Any help in identifying these would be great πŸ˜πŸ€— The last set remind me of bumblebee jasper if anyone in here also appreciates crystals, minerals etc... All and any help is so greatly appreciated, you all made me feel so welcome yesterday. I'm excited to have found this great resource of people knowledge and beautiful marbles πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯° I look at some of the photos and just think wow!!! I wonder where most of you found your collections? 🫣 I started this journey with estate sales... And it seems to be a fun way for me to collect though wow ebay has many beauties.. I just find great thrill in the unknown what if lots lol.. anywho Thanks for reading my Ted talk 😊
  20. Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it 😌
  21. Beautiful Collection and very cool that it's in it's original box!!! So fun ☺️ Ps. How do you tell an Akron solid? I have very similar green ones.
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